@dpwp, are you able to know, what went wrong?
I’m sry, that you had problems with this plugin. Maybe you can tell me, what problems you had exactly. Has it anything to do with javascripts or css files added from these other plugins?
And the reason why you have to refresh the list after a theme- or plugin-change is, that there could be new scripts or styles or some of them were removed. This can’t be done automatically yet, but it maybe will in future versions. But thats no reason to give it a 1 star rating, in my opinion, because it’s the normal behaviour.
The last thing you mentioned is right. That’s not a perfect solution at the moment and could obviously be improved. Maybe you give it a second chance with the next version, that will soon be ready.
I did not give one star for the uncomfortable refresh behavior.
I gave this rating since this plugin has an impact on other plugins, although! no filters were set. This is unacceptable, sorry.
As I described there:
When I remove all filters that I had set, delete all caches and another plugin still has problems. But when I deactivate “WP Scripts & Styles Optimizer” and the other plugin works now, then something is wrong with “WP Scripts & Styles Optimizer”.
Please read this again. Or Step by step: I set filters in your plugin for JS and CSS. I updated Toolset plugins and the views were broken. Before this all was fine, your plugin worked fine and I was really excited. Of course I could only assume, that the update, resp. the toolset plugins and so their support would be accountable. So I made a mirror website and had a lot of wasted time to provide the support with material.
But while I did the mirror website, I could not reproduce the issue. So I rethought all, and I deactivated your plugin on the life website. And voila the issue disappeared. After some deactivating, activating, refreshing your plugin , delete filters, set filters, deleted caches etc. suddenly the problem had disappeared.
Okay, I thought, probably the server had a hickup or something else. Then I found the next issue. A premium reviewer plugin tried to load an ajax script but ony runs in an endlees loop. Okay, sigh, I thought, I will deleted all filters in JS and CSS for this in your plugin. I did this, refreshed, no change, the same endless loop. In the next step I deleted ALL Filters that were set for JS and CSS, so no Filter existed anymore in your plugin. Again I deleted all caches (WP and browser) and? No change – the same endles loop. In my opinion I had wasted enough time now. I deacitvated your plugin and? The endless loop of the reviewers plugin had stopped and the Ajax script had loaded. I activated your plugin and the endless loop started again.
So, I am sorry, but a plugin with this behavior, that has an impact although no filters are set is not usable. And therefore is the 1 star.