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  • Podz, it’s awsome.
    Hey, powers-that-be, would you very much mind making a sticky post with a link to podz’ page? After all, he is the most prolix (prolixest?) contributor here.

    nice work podz.
    my 2 centime
    I dont think nr. 17 ( “Personal note: Leave a visible link to WordPress on your page at all times. You’d like credit for something you did wouldn’t you ?”) should be included – though i fully agree to the content – because it has nothing to do with the forum.

    Leaving a link to WordPress is part of the terms under which you download it anyway. And I agree it has nothing to do with the forum.

    Thread Starter Mark (podz)


    @ Wildduck:
    It has ‘Personal note’ next to it.
    Also, if someone likes their blog, they will not know which program created it.
    I also think that if they are using the forums, then they are using us – the community – to help them build and maintain their blog. That link serves to credit us too.
    I can see your point though – it’s a bugbear of mine that people remove all trace of WP acknowledgement. And yes, I know all about the license ??

    I would add: unless someone is asking for a browser check, don’t give it to them. Whatever they have obviously works for them and let their regular readers let them know if there is a problem in their browser of choice.
    Instead of post title I would say thread title.

    allusion: I agree with you about browsers in principle, but practically I don’t think it is realistic to keep browser issues out of replies. If someone asks for advice, and I see something broken, I can’t guess whether it’s fine in a different browser (read IE, which I only fire up if I absolutely have to, since it involves shutting down my system first). So I will add “in Firefox” to what I say, as a caveat. And vice versa: Firefox is quite forgiving, after all, and if a page looks fine to me this doesn’t mean it would look good even in, say, Opera or Safari. I might countercheck it in Konqueror, but that’s about it.
    But yes, I don’t think polemical browser discussions that go beyond short remarks should have a place here, strongly as I might feel about, er, some browser’s (execrable) behaviour.

    Presumably the poster is going to have to qualify his question too. As in *Please review my site (IE 6 only ). * ??

    podz – That’s an awesome piece of writing. Now I hope we can rise above nitpicking details and get it into both 1. accepted then 2. enforced policy here.

    It would be nice if the forum could support this with one or more prominent links ??

    Thread Starter Mark (podz)


    ‘Post title’ changed to ‘topic title’
    Pointer to where the backtick key is added.

    I’d like to point out, as pedantic as this is, that the ‘tick’ character on my keyboard is not where you describe it to be. It is to the left of the spacebar. So, maybe it’s better to not confuse people with the position of the key. Otherwise, it looks good!

    Thread Starter Mark (podz)


    Ah.. okay ?? I’ll take that bit out !

    Excellent. You could probably make it friendlier, and put all the items related to making a new post on the forums together, which might improve it’s usability, since not everyone might be inclined to read all of that page.

    podz you are not in the mood to develop a similar protocol for forum helpers are you?

    Thread Starter Mark (podz)


    I do need something to do yes ??
    I’ll post to my blog and we can take it from there ?

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