• Here is the link to my WordPress fansite: https://www.sunshinefan.com

    For every post, you can see if there is any comments but when you go to view them, they do not show up. The default recent comments, recent posts, and most commented posts also do not show up with any results. When you go to the RSS feed for all comments (https://www.sunshinefan.com/comments/feed/), they show up! Why is this happening? This is strange since all these functions work when I preview ANY of my uploaded themes for WordPress.

    Additionally, the author for each posts do not show up. I have 3 different users so it is important to show who is posting what article. When I sign into the admin panel for WordPress, all the recent comments show and when I view my site, the author shows up magically. Why is this happening, too?

    Thanks in advance!

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  • Thread Starter 764398

    Anyone know how to solve these problems?

    I just left you a comment on your site though I’m not sure if you can see it. It seems that you haven’t figured out your problem though I would like to know if you in fact have.

    I am having the same exact problem and I will post back here if I figure it out.

    Thread Starter 764398

    I have received your comment, Dennis. Right now, I have not learned of any resolution to this problem. I will certainly keep this thread updated once I figure it out.

    Hopefully we can all get this fixed soon…

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