Hi Sonia,
However I have a lot of white space above the widgets on all the pages. Is there a code to tighten this up?
The following would reduce the padding that’s added to the top of your footer widgets:
.footer-widget-area {
padding-top: 1em;
Increase/decrease the value of padding-top to your liking.
Please note that increments/decrements of 0.1 are enough to have an impact e.g. 1.1em, 1.2em, etc.
Also, how can I edit the font? I’d like all the text to be a little darker in the main copy and widget areas.
The following controls the colour of the text on your site:
body, button, input, select, textarea {
color: #404040;
You can change the value of #404040 to any HEX code of your choice. If you’d like to experiment with different colours, try a few Google searches to get a list of HEX codes and their corresponding values. Here’s an example of a site that I’ve used before:
Hope that’s helpful. ??