• Hello,

    Just moved a blog to a new server and now Visual Editor is not working. The error I’m getting is

    Error: missing ) after argument list
    Source File: https://www.beveridgefoundation.org/_wordpress/wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_config.php?ver=20080710
    Line: 15, Column: 24
    Source Code:
     sl.markDone(t.base + ''langs/'' + ln + ''.js'');

    I think it’s the duplicated single quotation marks that is screwing things up but I cannot fingure out where they are coming from. Sometimes they are quadrupled. In tiny_mce_ext.js they are just normal single quotation marks.

    I have cleared caches, deleted contents of js_cache, changed compression to false, and also upgraded to wordpress 2.6 (previously 2.5.1). None of that helped.

    Everything else about the blog is working. Just tinymce is not.

    Thanks for any advice!!!

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  • Hi thoughton,
    I just ran around for two days trying to solve similar problem, but the error I detected was “Illegal document.domain value” blah blah, and/or (take your pick) blah blah “headers already sent” blah blah …messing about in Firebug to see what may be going on for Visual Editor not to be functioning.
    To be clear (for other’s sake) the problem was Visual Editor being stuck in html mode… everything else worked (liked popups, tool buttons, etc).
    I did everything suggested here in several posts, including things to do with caches, downgrading, upgrading, and many other things.. all very meticulously.
    Lastly, I observed the problem on all browsers I run (several versions of IE, FF, 1 Safari). I am running a WAMP server for inhouse testing.

    For me the fix was simply editing wp-config.php ~line24 to set the language to ‘en’, i.e.,

    define ('WPLANG', '');
    define ('WPLANG', 'en');

    I apologize to the person who posted this who deserves the credit, ..I lost them in the minions of posts and closed windows …but thank you.

    I couldn’t believe such a basic thing could have caused this.
    Additional info to this.. I had copied my online installation and mirrored it to a tee, so how could I have missed this? Well, my online deployment doesn’t have this set, but it is working despite ;^)

    Long post for such a simple thing, but I hope the added information can be helpful for anyone else searching as hard as I have to solve my particular version of this problem `8^P


    PS: if you fix it, please be sure to post your solution for others.

    tag: wamp wordpress tinymce visual editor

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