• Hi,

    I can see that adding custom fields to custom post types is easy, but how do I add fields to standard wordpress posts? I looked at the docs on your site and they don’t really tell me anything in this respect (everything else, yes!).

    I tried, but while I can tell ACF to add fields when posts = posts (I think that’s what it said) nothing shows up in the edit posts screen. How do I do this? Or is the only solution to use CPTs?

    I don’t mind doing that, but if that’s what I have to do I wanted to be able to use the same categories that normal wp posts use, and I don’t know if that would lead to problems displaying output, or with front-end post submission.



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  • @dawnw777

    Hi! Thanks for writing.

    In the dashboard, when editing that post, were you sure to have expanded “Screen Options”, and under the “Boxes” section, made sure that the checkbox representing that custom field was enabled?

    To answer the question directly, it shouldn’t need to be attached to any custom post type — an Advanced Custom Field should be able to be used with the native Post type.

    Link to screenshot of how it might look:
    Screenshot from 2016 09 26 12 18 53

    Will you write back again to let us know how you go with this?

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