It might help if you posted the specific error, but first of all I notice that you’re missing the closing function brace – I’m not sure if this was just a copy error, but you’ll want to fix this if it exists in the actual code:
function displayName () {
global $user_identity;
echo "Welcome Back" . $user_identity;
Secondly, you might want to reconsider your use of the get_currentuserinfo()
function, which is currently deprecated. Instead, use the wp_get_current_user()
function displayName ()
$user = wp_get_current_user();
echo "Welcome Back" . $user->display_name;
Thirdly, as this plugin simply executes snippets, you’ll need to make sure that you are actually calling your function to have it do something. You can achieve this by creating a shortcode which you then later use in a post or page, or hooking it to a theme-specific hook, if the theme you use supports them:
function wporg_welcome_message()
$user = wp_get_current_user();
echo "Welcome Back" . $user->display_name;
// use the [welcome_message] shortcode in a post or page
add_shortcode( 'welcome_message', 'wporg_welcome_message' );
// this won't work unless you change the action hook to something supported by your theme
add_action( 'theme_below_header', 'wporg_welcome_message' );