Yes I do, as the alternative to get back to the previous page would be “cancel” (as one would expect). Now, I wouldn’t consider that a crucial issue but of course, it doesn’t make life much easier ??
As it grows, a WordPress CMS with all its different components gets more complicated the more sophisticated it gets with time, usabilitywise, but I’m sorry I can’t go through the process of deactivating and reactivating my theme and all my plugins right now to find out which of those might interfere with my quiz plugin. It’s no big deal, your plugin has many useful features so I’ll use it anyway, if you happen to come across a possible reason without this, all the better.
Perhaps listing my WordPress and my server configurations may be of help, here they are:
— WordPress Configuration
Version: 4.6.1
Language: de_DE
Permalink Structure: /%postname%/
Active Theme: DW WallPress 1.1.7
Show On Front: page
Page On Front: (#12)
Page For Posts: Unset
ABSPATH: /var/www/vhosts/
Remote Post: wp_remote_post() works
Table Prefix: Length: 7 Status: Acceptable
WP_DEBUG: Disabled
Memory Limit: 40M
— WordPress Active Plugins
Better Internal Link Search: 1.2.12
CSS & JavaScript Toolbox: 8.2
Custom Searchable Data Entry System: 1.6.0
Custom Sidebars: (needs update –
DW Shortcode Bootstrap: 2.0.1
Email Encoder Bundle – Protect Email Address: 1.4.5
Enhanced Text Widget: 1.4.5
Google Analytics by MonsterInsights: 5.5.2
J Shortcodes: 1.407
mTouch Quiz: 3.1.3
Quiz Tool Lite: 2.3.9
Shortcodes Ultimate: 4.9.9
Simple Custom CSS: 3.2 (needs update – 3.3)
WP Lightbox 2: 3.0.3 (needs update –
Yoast SEO: 3.4.2 (needs update – 3.6.1)
— Webserver Configuration
PHP Version: 5.5.38
MySQL Version: 5.1.73
Webserver Info: Apache
— PHP Configuration
Safe Mode: Disabled
Memory Limit: 256M
Upload Max Size: 2M
Post Max Size: 8M
Upload Max Filesize: 2M
Time Limit: 30
Max Input Vars: 1000
Display Errors: N/A
— PHP Extensions
cURL: Supported
fsockopen: Supported
SOAP Client: Installed
Suhosin: Not Installed