Hi @jgmediapro!
I’m sorry it took so long for You to get a reply. Thanks for Your patience.
We are pleased that You like our plugin ??
To display files in a list view You should adjust Your shortcode or default settings of the Document Gallery to meet these values: columns=1 descriptions=false
Then You should pasted given below CSS in the Custom CSS textbox at Dashboard -> Settings -> Document Gallery:
.document-icon {
text-align: left !important;
.document-icon img, .document-icon .title {
display: inline-block !important;
.document-icon img {
width: 50px !important;
You should replace 50 with any suitable for Your case number, this would affect icon size.
If You need to make the list unordered (bulleted), You should append to the above-mentioned CSS textbox this section:
.document-icon:before {
content: '\2219';
In case You’d like to make the list ordered, append this section:
.document-gallery {
counter-reset: icon-counter;
.document-icon:before {
content: counter(icon-counter, decimal-leading-zero);
counter-increment: icon-counter;
In case You’d like to change dimensions of generated thumbnails (if You use fancy=true) You can adjust those at Dashboard -> Settings -> Document Gallery -> Max Thumbnail Dimensions, for proper result don’t forget to modify width value for the .document-icon img in Your CSS.
Hope I got Your question properly ??
Please don’t hesitate to let us know if You run into any further issues.
PS: If You’ve found our answers and/or the plugin useful, please rate the efforts. Thanks!