I currently see this in your CSS:
@font-face {
fot-family: Metanoia;
src: url(\'https://filomenarosaconsultoria.com.br//wp-content/themes/accelerate/fontawesome/fonts/baarmrg_.TTF\');
You need to change the property name from fot-family to font-family.
Also, when I do a view source on your site, I see this rule for the paragraph tag:
p {
font-family: \'Metanoia\';
That is, the apostrophes are being “escaped” with a backslash character. I’m not sure if that’s going to cause any problems or not. Are you using the theme’s Custom CSS option? Sometimes I see unusual stuff like that from a theme’s Custom CSS option, which is why I generally recommend using a Custom CSS plugin instead of the theme’s Custom CSS option. But fix the font-family property first and see if that makes a difference. If it doesn’t, remove the apostrophes from around the font name. You usually don’t need them unless the font name has more than one word in it (like Times New Roman).
By the way, you should always include alternate, fallback fonts (i.e., web safe fonts) in case the font that you are trying to use can’t be loaded for some reason. For example:
p {
font-family: Metanoia, Arial, sans-serif;