Include suburb area to autofill
Hi there,
Thank you for an excellent plugin! I would like to utilize sublocality from GoogleMaps API to autofill the suburb/area of a custom field on the checkout.
I’ve tried to work it out myself, but I can’t work out how to include it. What would I need to change in the autocomplete.js?
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Here is how I’ve modified the autocomplete.js so far.
/* * Copyright 2015 Magerips * Developed By * Url: **/ var RpCheckoutAutocomplete = RpCheckoutAutocomplete || {}; var RpCheckoutAutocomplete_shipping = RpCheckoutAutocomplete_shipping || {}; RpCheckoutAutocomplete.event = {}; RpCheckoutAutocomplete_shipping.event = {}; RpCheckoutAutocomplete.method = { placeSearch: "", IdSeparator: "", autocomplete : "", streetNumber : "", formFields : { 'billing_address_1': '', 'billing_address_2': '', 'billing_myfield8': '', 'billing_city': '', 'billing_state': '', 'billing_postcode': '', 'billing_country' : '' }, formFieldsValue : { 'billing_address_1': '', 'billing_address_2': '', 'billing_myfield8': '', 'billing_city': '', 'billing_state': '', 'billing_postcode': '', 'billing_country' : '' }, component_form : "", initialize: function(){ this.getIdSeparator(); this.initFormFields(); this.autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete( (document.getElementById('billing_address_1')), { types: ['geocode'] }); google.maps.event.addListener(this.autocomplete, 'place_changed', function( event ) { RpCheckoutAutocomplete.method.fillInAddress() }); var billing_address = document.getElementById("billing_address_1"); if(billing_address != null){ billing_address.addEventListener("focus", function( event ) { RpCheckoutAutocomplete.method.setAutocompleteCountry() }, true); } var billing_country = document.getElementById("billing_country"); if(billing_country != null){ billing_country.addEventListener("change", function( event ) { RpCheckoutAutocomplete.method.setAutocompleteCountry() }, true); } }, getIdSeparator : function() { if (!document.getElementById('billing_address_1')) { this.IdSeparator = "_"; return "_"; } this.IdSeparator = ":"; return ":"; }, initFormFields: function () { for (var field in this.formFields) { this.formFields[field] = (field); } this.component_form = { 'street_number': ['billing_address_1', 'short_name'], 'route': ['billing_address_1', 'long_name'], 'sublocality': ['billing_myfield8', 'long_name'], 'locality': ['billing_city', 'long_name'], 'administrative_area_level_1': ['billing_state', 'short_name'], 'country': ['billing_country', 'long_name'], 'postal_code': ['billing_postcode', 'short_name'] }; }, fillInAddress : function () { this.clearFormValues(); var place = this.autocomplete.getPlace(); this.resetForm(); var type = ''; for (var field in place.address_components) { for (var t in place.address_components[field].types) { for (var f in this.component_form) { var types = place.address_components[field].types; if(f == types[t]) { if(f == "street_number") { this.streetNumber = place.address_components[field]['short_name']; }else{ if(document.getElementById("billing_country").value=="KR"){ this.streetNumber=place.address_components[0]['short_name']; this.streetNumber+=","+place.address_components[1]['long_name']; } } var prop = this.component_form[f][1]; if(place.address_components[field].hasOwnProperty(prop)){ this.formFieldsValue[this.component_form[f][0]] = place.address_components[field][prop]; } } } } } this.appendStreetNumber(); this.fillForm(); $=jQuery.noConflict(); $("#billing_state").trigger("change"); if(typeof FireCheckout !== 'undefined') { checkout.update(checkout.urls.billing_address); } }, clearFormValues: function () { for (var f in this.formFieldsValue) { this.formFieldsValue[f] = ''; } }, appendStreetNumber : function () { if(this.streetNumber != '') { this.formFieldsValue['billing_address_1'] = this.streetNumber + ' ' + this.formFieldsValue['billing_address_1']; } }, fillForm : function() { for (var f in this.formFieldsValue) { if(f == 'billing_country' ) { this.selectRegion( f,this.formFieldsValue[f]); } else { if(document.getElementById((f)) === null){ continue; } else { document.getElementById((f)).value = this.formFieldsValue[f]; } } } }, selectRegion:function (id,regionText) { if(document.getElementById((id)) == null){ return false; } var el = document.getElementById((id)); for(var i=0; i<el.options.length; i++) { if ( el.options[i].text == regionText ) { el.selectedIndex = i; break; } } }, resetForm :function () { if(document.getElementById(('billing_address_2')) !== null){ document.getElementById(('billing_address_2')).value = ''; } }, setAutocompleteCountry : function () { if(document.getElementById('billing_country') === null){ country = 'US'; } else { var country = document.getElementById('billing_country').value; } this.autocomplete.setComponentRestrictions({ 'country': country }); } } RpCheckoutAutocomplete_shipping.method = { placeSearch: "", IdSeparator: "", autocomplete : "", streetNumber : "", formFields : { 'shipping_address_1': '', 'shipping_address_2': '', 'billing_myfield8': '', 'shipping_city': '', 'shipping_state': '', 'shipping_postcode': '', 'shipping_country' : '' }, formFieldsValue : { 'shipping_address_1': '', 'shipping_address_2': '', 'billing_myfield8': '', 'shipping_city': '', 'shipping_state': '', 'shipping_postcode': '', 'shipping_country' : '' }, component_form : "", initialize: function(){ this.getIdSeparator(); this.initFormFields(); this.autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete( (document.getElementById('shipping_address_1')), { types: ['geocode'] }); google.maps.event.addListener(this.autocomplete, 'place_changed', function( event ) { RpCheckoutAutocomplete_shipping.method.fillInAddress() }); var shipping_address = document.getElementById("shipping_address_1"); if(shipping_address != null){ shipping_address.addEventListener("focus", function( event ) { RpCheckoutAutocomplete_shipping.method.setAutocompleteCountry() }, true); } var shipping_country = document.getElementById("shipping_country"); if(shipping_country != null){ shipping_country.addEventListener("change", function( event ) { RpCheckoutAutocomplete_shipping.method.setAutocompleteCountry() }, true); } }, getIdSeparator : function() { if (!document.getElementById('shipping_address_1')) { this.IdSeparator = "_"; return "_"; } this.IdSeparator = ":"; return ":"; }, initFormFields: function () { for (var field in this.formFields) { this.formFields[field] = (field); } this.component_form = { 'street_number': ['shipping_address_1', 'short_name'], 'route': ['shipping_address_1', 'long_name'], 'locality': ['shipping_city', 'long_name'], 'sublocality': ['billing_myfield8', 'long_name'], 'administrative_area_level_1': ['shipping_state', 'short_name'], 'country': ['shipping_country', 'long_name'], 'postal_code': ['shipping_postcode', 'short_name'] }; }, fillInAddress : function () { this.clearFormValues(); var place = this.autocomplete.getPlace(); this.resetForm(); var type = ''; for (var field in place.address_components) { for (var t in place.address_components[field].types) { for (var f in this.component_form) { var types = place.address_components[field].types; if(f == types[t]) { if(f == "street_number") { this.streetNumber = place.address_components[field]['short_name']; }else{ if(document.getElementById("shipping_country").value=="KR"){ this.streetNumber=place.address_components[0]['short_name']; this.streetNumber+=","+place.address_components[1]['long_name']; } } var prop = this.component_form[f][1]; if(place.address_components[field].hasOwnProperty(prop)){ this.formFieldsValue[this.component_form[f][0]] = place.address_components[field][prop]; } } } } } this.appendStreetNumber(); this.fillForm(); $=jQuery.noConflict(); $("#shipping_state").trigger("change"); if(typeof FireCheckout !== 'undefined') { checkout.update(checkout.urls.shipping_address); } }, clearFormValues: function () { for (var f in this.formFieldsValue) { this.formFieldsValue[f] = ''; } }, appendStreetNumber : function () { if(this.streetNumber != '') { this.formFieldsValue['shipping_address_1'] = this.streetNumber + ' ' + this.formFieldsValue['shipping_address_1']; } }, fillForm : function() { for (var f in this.formFieldsValue) { if(f == 'shipping_country' ) { this.selectRegion( f,this.formFieldsValue[f]); } else { if(document.getElementById((f)) === null){ continue; } else { document.getElementById((f)).value = this.formFieldsValue[f]; } } } }, selectRegion:function (id,regionText) { if(document.getElementById((id)) == null){ return false; } var el = document.getElementById((id)); for(var i=0; i<el.options.length; i++) { if ( el.options[i].text == regionText ) { el.selectedIndex = i; break; } } }, resetForm :function () { if(document.getElementById(('shipping_address_2')) !== null){ document.getElementById(('shipping_address_2')).value = ''; } }, setAutocompleteCountry : function () { if(document.getElementById('shipping_country') === null){ country = 'US'; } else { var country = document.getElementById('shipping_country').value; } this.autocomplete.setComponentRestrictions({ 'country': country }); } } window.addEventListener('load', function(){ RpCheckoutAutocomplete.method.initialize(); RpCheckoutAutocomplete_shipping.method.initialize(); });
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