• I believe this issue started with the latest update, but not entirely sure.

    The calendar in list view and used as a widget in the sidebar no longer shows today’s event(s). Events after today’s date are listed just fine. The sidebar calendar used to show today’s event(s) (on the day of the event) with the date header highlighted in blue (as configured in the “Appearance” setting). Today’s event(s) appear just fine on our calendar page where it is displayed in the grid view. However, there is still the resizing issue described in a previous post https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/resize-event-clears-out-viewed-popups-content/ .

    Realizing we had this issue on our website and knowing we had an event scheduled for today, I checked our website first thing this morning to see if there might be a date issue. Today’s event initially appeared in the sidebar widget, but it’s date header was black, not blue. I went to our calendar page where it is displayed in grid view and it was fine. But, doing that removed today’s event from the sidebar list.

    Running version 4.6.1 default WP 2015 theme and version 3.1.8 of the plugin with just a few other plugins.

    Thanks for you help and a great plugin!

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  • Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    Is this happening when you view the calendar after the event has started or has ended? What are your settings for the calendar and do you have a link to it so I can check it out?

    Thread Starter gbundros


    Hi Nick,
    This happens on the day of the event. All of the events in our calendar are all day events – I do not specify times in calendar events. And, once again, we’re talking about an issue the calendar has when it is viewed in a LIST in the sidebar of our site (Upcoming Events). Relevant settings are:
    Calendar Start: Today
    Earliest Event: Same as Start
    Latest Event: 1 yr after start

    Span: 4 Events
    Hide Header: checked
    Static Calendar: checked

    Google Calendar
    Recurring Events: Only show first occurrence

    Timezone: Site default
    Date Format: Site default
    Time Zone: Site default
    Week Starts On: Site default (Sunday)

    Link to our site: https://explorenorthcoast.net/

    We have all day events listed for the next three days, Nov 4-6 (two events on the 6th). The calendar used to display the event on the day of the event, and its date was highlighted in blue. The calendar viewed in grid format (https://explorenorthcoast.net/event-calendar/) works fine.

    Thanks for your help,

    Thread Starter gbundros


    Hi Nick,
    I forgot to mention that the workaround I use for this issue is to set Events>Calendar Start to “one day before today”. That seems to work, but haven’t had to do that in the past.

    Let me know if you want me to add a few test events to our calendar.

    Thanks again,

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    I am curious if it might be a timezone setting. Could you please check all of these to make sure: https://docs.simplecalendar.io/timezone-settings/

    Let me know if any of that helps.

    Thread Starter gbundros


    Hi Nick,
    I believe all of the settings are correct. In Google Calendar, I checked the Global, Individual Calendar and Individual Event settings. We are on the west coast and they are all appropriately set to Pacific.

    In WordPress, Settings>General>Timezone is set to Los Angeles and, immediately below, appears “Universal time (UTC) is 2016-11-10 17:51:04. Local time is 2016-11-10 09:51:04” The local date and time are correct. Both Date and Time Format settings show correct local values.

    In Simple Calendar, Advanced>Timezone is set to Site Default (America/Los_Angeles), Date Format is set to Site Default (Preview shows correct date), and Time Format is set to Site Default (Preview shows 6:01 PM, but it’s 10:01 AM (Showing UTC, which is probably correct???).

    Again, up until recently, this used to work fine, and I’ve made no changes to our website.

    All-day events are scheduled for 11/11-12 and 11/13-14 in case you want to watch.

    Thank you again for your help,

    I’ve what looks like the same issue on

    I’ve used the same workaround (one day before) – thanks Greg!
    Both site and calendar timezones are set to London, GMT+0

    Seems to be only all-day events that are affected, timed events do display. It’s only in the widget list view, widget grid looks OK, calendars within page are fine – I have pages with this month’s and next month’s calendar that are normal.

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    Ok one last check, does it change anything if you change from “Site Default” to use “Custom” > (Your Timezone) ?

    Nick, I did have this calendar set with “Custom” > (Your Timezone) when I first noticed this problem. Based on something in this forum, I then altered the setting to Site Default in the hope it might fix it – but it didn’t. Have left it at Site Default.

    Thread Starter gbundros


    Hi Nick,
    Thank you for coming back to this issue. I just tested with “Custom” as you suggested, but it did not work.

    I’ve spent more time trying to understand the problem with the Upcoming Events widget not showing Today’s events with its date highlighted in the set color (in my case, blue). Unless the plugin’s install is corrupt, I think there is a timezone bug in the calendar widget (LIST view), but I could easily be wrong as I’m far from an expert with this stuff.

    I tested for plugin and widget conflicts and there are none. I only enter all day events in Google calendar. It is set for the west coast which is 8 hours behind UTC as described in WP Settings>General>Timezone and set for Los Angeles. I believe the timezones in Google Calendar and WP are set correctly, running the WP’s 2015 theme. I have tried different settings in the calendar widget and none provide the desired results. The Events Calendar (GRID view) https://explorenorthcoast.net/event-calendar/ always works fine.

    As mentioned earlier, I created a Testing Upcoming Events calendar (https://explorenorthcoast.net/testing-sidebar-calendar/) and found that tweaking the Settings>Events>Start Date to One Day Before Today will work, but I just discovered it does NOT work during the ENTIRE 24-hour period.

    This is what happens: at midnight (12:01 a.m.), all calendars (GRID and LIST views) advance to either the next event (List view) or next day (Grid view) as they should. In the Testing Upcoming Events calendar at 12:01 a.m., Today’s event will be the first listed event in the list of events, but its date will NOT be highlighted in blue. At 8:00 AM, Today’s event will be listed AND highlighted in blue. It stays that way until midnight when the calendar advances and the highlighted date disappears. Its behavior is consistent.

    I hope this information helps. We are running out of 2016 events (still building next year’s), but can add a few dummy events, if you want. Thanks again for all that you folks do.


    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    Ok thank you for troubleshooting with me guys, I will escalate this a bit higher so we can see what we can do to get it fixed. I will keep you posted if we need to have you try something else out.

    Thank you so much for your patience!

    Thread Starter gbundros


    Thank you for elevating it. Would really like to see it fixed.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Plugin Contributor Phil Derksen


    @gbundros This should now be fixed in 3.1.9. Could you test and let us know?

    Thread Starter gbundros


    Phil, thank you so much for following up on this pesky issue. I think you’re half-way there.

    In List View, Today’s event for full-day events in Google calendar now appears on the day of the event, but the date bar fails to highlight by 8 hours, as previously reported.

    I upgraded Simple Calendar to ver 3.1.9 on December 9, 2016 around 10 pm. At that time, there were no events in our Google calendar for Dec 9th, but one for Dec 10th. Thus, the Dec 10th event was the first event listed, as it should.

    After midnight, the calendar continued to show December 10th event (now Today’s event) as it should, but did not highlight date bar. The date bar became highlighted at 8:01 a.m., and I am assuming it will remain that way until midnight.

    The test calendar (https://explorenorthcoast.net/testing-sidebar-calendar/) behaves the same way. The date bar did not become highlighted until 8:01 a.m. At 8:10 a.m. on Dec 10, I added an event for Dec 9th just to see what it would do. It listed the Dec 9th event before the Dec 10th event as it should (different start date), and highlighted the Dec 10th date bar, as is should. But, again, this is happening 8 hours past midnight when the date bar first becomes highlighted. I have since removed that test event, so it no longer appears.

    I will be gone today, but am anxious to continue trouble-shooting with you, if you want. Just let me know what I can do from my side. Thanks!!!

    Running WP4.7 with your current version.

    Plugin Contributor Phil Derksen


    We debugged quite a bit but haven’t found anything yet, but frankly we’re stumped on this one so far.

    If you figure out any more specifics please add here, and we’ll keep looking as well.


    Thread Starter gbundros


    Thank you, Phil, for trying. Not sure what else I can do, but will think on it. At least its behavior is consistent. It has to be a time thing, but what do I know.

    Happiest of Holidays!

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