• lwilson747


    Fellow WP Users,

    I am using the free “Travel Lite” theme ofr my blog listed below.

    Luxury Travel Services: https://luxurytravelservices.me

    How can I remove the errant piece of code which appears in the upper left corner of my home page: “); ga(‘require’, ‘displayfeatures’); ga(‘require’, ‘linkid’, ‘linkid.js’); ga(‘set’, ‘anonymizeIP’, true); ga(‘send’, ‘pageview’); “?

    Many thanks, Lawrence Wilson

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  • Michael


    seems to be part of a broken script, possibly from a plugin;

    have you tried to temporarily deactivalte all plugnis to see if that solves the problem?
    then re-activate one plugin at a time and test inbetween to find out which plugn is causing the problem?

    if that does not work, please post your question in your theme’s forum at https://www.ads-software.com/support/theme/travel-lite

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