You’re not actually moving the database – it stays where it is. A database doesn’t technically live at a domain, it lives on your server and your site files refer to it, in WP’s case via the wp-config.php.
It sounds like what you want to do is move the WP files ???……
If that is the case, create a new top level folder called “/blog” and then MOVE all of the existing WP files to the new folder, keeping all of the existing sub-folder structure the same, so for example the folder where the theme is located will now be /blog/wp-content/themes/YourTheme/
You will need a new “index.html”, or “index.php”, or some other default.htm file in your top level folder in order to handle traffic to the site, if that is the intention, and a new link to the “Blog” portion of the site which would be located at
You will ALSO need to log in and in the Settings >General you will CHANGE the URL that appears in the boxes to include the /blog/ on the end.
If that is NOT what you are trying to accomplish, post back with a more clear explanation of what your client wants, and maybe why, and someone should be able to help you better….