• Hi,

    Could anyone help me find step by step instructions for making multi-comic pages? I tried googling it but I couldn’t find any of the old documentation. I succesfully made a multi-comic page a few months back, but I’m now having a problem where multi-comic pages aren’t displaying the images in the right order. Not sure what I’m doing wrong or if I’ve somehow just forgotten some of the steps.

    Thanks in advance!

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  • Thread Starter dashbo


    Still having the same problem of the order of images getting mixed up, but discovered something about what is happening.

    I tried adding images one by one instead of doing it in bulk, then saving a draft each time. Things looked good for the first five images (inclding the featured image) but then the next image I added jumped up to become the first image, then I added another one and it placed itself as the second image.

    I have no idea why it’s happening this way but I’m just hoping this might help someone think of a solution to my problem.

    Again, thanks in advance!

    This is a bit late as answers go, so I’m directing it more generally at anybody who may have this problem in the future. ;P

    Basically, you set up multiple comics by adjusting the chapter order. In the ‘comics->chapters’ menu, you can set up your main titles as top-level (‘parent’) chapters. If you have chapters or episodes within these comics, set them up as ‘child’ chapters and associate them with their would-be parents.

    Now for the tricky part. To make the navigation browse the comics in the right order, you have to assign an order number to each of them. (It’s in the same menu.) These numbers need to be consecutive (1,2,3… or 1001,1002,1003, no matter) within each title because the navigation will just stop transversing whenever there’s a gap.

    Make sure you leave enough of a gap between the individual comics, though. This ensures your navigation will not traverse into other comics (unless you want that) and you won’t have to renumber the second comic all the time.
    Me, I’m using thousands. The parent chapters are 1000, 2000 etc. and the episodes are 1001, 1002, 2001, 2002 etc.

    If you have problems with the ordering of your comics, most likely the chapter order is off or the comics aren’t all assigned to the chapters.

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