• Please add filters that allow us to set a minimum donation amount. (example no less then $2 USD)

    as from experience I have seen people donate 0.01 as a joke and I get hit with a processing fee greater then the 0.01 donated. This stopped once we were able, through the old plugin, to reinforce a minimum donation amount.

    also, if you could add a check box to lock the custom donation box the user can enter to only allow hole dollar amounts that would also be much appreciated.

    here is a sample code snip if it helps
    <p class="donate_amount"><label for="amount">'.__('Your Donation Amount', 'dplus').':</label><br/><input type="number" name="amount" id="amount" min="2" step="1.00" required value="'.$dplus['default_value'].'" /><br/><small>('.__('Currency: ','dplus').$cur.')</small></p>

    also heres a code snip of the filling bar based on total donation amounts vs donation total

    $donationtarget = $dplus['donate_target']  
    $donationtotal = do_shortcode("[donatetotal prefix='0' suffix='0'  type='0']");
    //remove the spaces
    $donationtotal = intval($donationtotal);
    //Add any fund additions here
    if($donationtotal != 0) {
    $percent = ($donationtotal / $donationtarget) * 100;
    if($percent > 100)
    $percent = 100;
    $donationfill = round((100 / 100) * $percent);//190/100
    } else {
    $percent = 0;
    $donationfill = 0;
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