Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Plugin Contributor Liz Gannes


    Hi, I was not able to find our site code added to your webpage. Can you please make sure that you have our plugin installed and signed in with correct credentials.

    Thread Starter b…b


    Sorry for the late reply.

    The plugin is activated. I took it off the home page because it is not working.
    I still have it on the blog index sidebar widget here:

    It is the top widget. It only show the title Subscribe. The form does not show.

    Plugin Contributor Liz Gannes


    Can you please create a support ticket with us so I can view your MM account and any settings you may have in place for your widget.

    Thread Starter b…b


    Sounds good. How do I open a ticket?

    Plugin Contributor Liz Gannes


    You should see an option in your plugin to contact support.

    Plugin Contributor Liz Gannes


    You should see an option in your plugin to contact support. Or when you are logged in to your MailMunch account. This will give me access to the details I need to effectively resolve the issue you are facing.

    Thread Starter b…b


    I submitted a ticket from the plugin contact support link.

    Thread Starter b…b


    I got the forms to work.

    Minify from W3TC was interfering.

    Changed the W3TC settings:
    Minify mode: Manual
    Minify cache method: Disk
    HTML minifier: Minify (Default)
    JS minifier: Goolge Closure Compiler (Web Service)
    CSS minifier: Minfy (Default)

Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
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