[Plugin: Yet Another Related Posts Plugin] YARPP output
I was just wondering if there’s any modifications that I can make so that my related posts come back as more than just the title? I have a thumbnail associated with each post as a custom key. Is there anyway to pull that thumb in?
I am searching for an answer on this as well.
Is there some sort of way you can use another option instead of :
related_posts(array(key=>value));more like:
“get_related_posts” (similar to get_bloginfo(‘url’) vs. bloginfo(‘url’)), where you can then address what portion of the related post you’re gonna use (title, content, custom value,..), instead having only the title and the url that are displayed automatically.
Hi Tom– right now the only way to customize it with the options array is to use the
functions… you can look at the code and also pass an options array to theyarpp_sql
function, and then run this query through$wpdb
yourself, but this isn’t supported. In the future I intend to actually support/document this, but there’s a chance the order of arguments toyarpp_sql
will change before that happens, so if you try to do this now, you’re on your own. :/mitcho
Hi Mitcho,
I am trying to accomplish the same thing as the others… I would like the ‘div’ with the related posts function to display a thumbnail that is created with the Post Thumb plugin, plus the text in a custom field.
Any plan to implement it in a 3.0 version any time VERY soon? ??
Just asking because my knowledge of php is limited in the creation of websites, and i wouldn’t know where to start with “related_* functions”, or to “pass an options array to the yarpp_sql function” ?? that sounds like… an alien language to my ears ??
Thanks in advance!Hi all,
Last night, while coding, I (finally!) figured out exactly how I’m going to solve these customization requests, though it’s going to have to come a couple releases down the line. The process will be much like tweaking WordPress theme files… but I’ll just keep it at that for now. ?? Look forward to it!
Sounds good ?? Can’t wait for it! ??
@dreydesign – I just released a beta (YARPP 3.0 beta 1) which has a new templating system which will let you do this. I also wrote a quick tutorial to get you started with those templates. I hope that helps!
fantastic! thanks a lot, i’ll try it soon and let you know!
Hi Mitcho,
i installed the YARPP 3.0 beta 1 and it gave me some issues: at first it wasn’t working but I then updated the cache, and it was working properly in the single posts… but my home page became blank :S
I have the follwing code in my sidebar, exactly the same i had with the previous version of YARPP:<?php if ( is_single() ) { related_posts(); } ?>
which was working fine. and now? :s so weird as well because as you can see the php code should make it work only in the single posts, but somehow it stucks the home page.
Uh UPDATE! : I removed the code alltogether and still the home page was blank, i had to deactivate the plugin…ok maybe i was a bit confusing in my previous post: let’s resume it like this: when the plugin it’s activated it works just fine in the single posts, but there is some sort of conflict in the home page (where, by the way, it shouldn’t affect in any way, seen the php code refers only to single posts) so that the home page results completely blank. I tried as well to take away completely the php code for calling the YARPP function from the sidebar, but still the same issue: single posts show jsut fine, simply without their related posts; home page, nothing, nada, rien, niente, ingenting. ?? The pure emptyness.
Do you know of any existing plugin that clashes with YARPP? The only ay to have the home page reappearing, is by deactivating YARPP 3.0a second update, hoping that somebody can find the problem for YARPP 3.0:
i tried as well to use the code<?php if (function_exists('related_posts')) { related_posts(); } ?>
within the is_single() function, but still the only thing i get then in the home page is the following code in firebug:
<html> <head/> <body/> </html>
@dreydesign – Hmm, that’s absolutely bizarre. I’m sorry to hear about your troubles. Was it working with YARPP 2.1.6?
Is your index page actually the WP-produced archive page, or is it a WP “page”? Do your feeds work with YARPP 3 activated?
The only thing I can recommend is that you change your PHP settings so that error notification is on. There clearly is some PHP error if it’s not printing anything on the page at all. It’s possible as well that there was an error just once but then it got cached by some cache plugin… are you using a cache plugin?
I really would like to identify the problem you’re having here. As it may speed things up, feel free to email me: yarpp at mitcho dot com . Thanks.
i think there might be a clash between some plugins.. or i don’t know. now you plugin is working, but i have the same problem instead with the plugin Mailpress, which i ahd to deactivate. so weird. now i tried to do the opposite (deactivating YARPP and reactivating mailpress, but boom, home page empty). just so weird that it does it either with your or with that plugin. who knows, maybe it’s a third plugin causing the issue (before upgrading to 2.7, with a completely fresh installation, i could use both your plugins at the same time).
Can I ask you for a big favour to track down this problem? how do i activate those php settings for having ON the error notification? (my knowledge of php is limited to a wordpress level, i’m self taught and on a beginner/intermediate level)I do not think it’s only a mailpress issue, since that when the problem started that plugin was unactive and the issue was with YARPP.
Let’s try to solve this ?? i can’t wait to use your beta version with all its potential!!!!ah i hadn’t answered your question, the home page is not static, but contains a few loops. And i do not use any cache plugin yet.
@dreydesign Thanks for your feedback. Indeed, let’s figure this out!
The error notification can be turned on in your server’s php.ini file. However, unless you’re the server administrator, you probably can’t change that value… if your hosting provides you with your Apache or PHP error logs, that’d be the best way to check. You can probably turn that home-page-breaking combination on, verify it, then put a support inquiry into your hosting, saying “I want to see the Apache + PHP error log from around this time period. I’m investigating a problem on this URL.”
Another question: when your home page was blank, did your RSS feeds work? How about category or tag pages?
@dreydesign – also, your home page with a couple loops: did you write those loops yourself in the template file?
Feel free to email me as well… it might be easier to take care of it that way.
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