• Resolved ventvox


    I am using the plugin FLV Embed in order to post my own videos. All of my videos are too large to upload. I have searched alternative file formats, but am not clear what the best thing to do would be. I would like to use the plugin if possible, which only supports flv files, however am open to any suggestions.

    Thanks in advance!

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  • Have you tried uploading them directly to your video/upload folder via FTP client?

    Thread Starter ventvox


    Yes, and they are too large. They are 10-15mb and wordpress is only allowing me to upload 8mb and less.

    No, not using the WordPress uploader, using an ftp client.


    Thread Starter ventvox


    Sorry- yes I have tried that, too. It simply does not show up when I just upload via the ftp. I am not sure why, but it the video will be saved in the correct folder, but the video won’t show up.



    A FLV will not play by itself, it has to be played from within a SWF. You’ll have to tell the SWF where the FLV is to play it. Try uploading a smaller FLV using the plugin, then study the code to figure out how it is linking the FLV to the SWF.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    wordpress is only allowing me to upload 8mb and less.

    Try putting this in your .htaccess file:

    php_value post_max_size "40M"
    php_value upload_max_filesize "40M"

    That’ll up the limit to 40 meg if your host allows that sort of thing.

    Note that if that doesn’t work, the only other way to set those is via the php.ini file, which you may need to have your host change for you, or tell you how to change them.

    the video will be saved in the correct folder, but the video won’t show up.

    Just so we’re on the same page, do you mean that you are able to upload the .flvs to a folder using ftp and they won’t show up when you try to play them in a post? Or do you mean that you still can not get them uploaded to a folder using ftp? ??

    Assuming that you are successful at uploading the movies,try this:

    Create a new folder in the root of your blog. Name it video. Using an ftp client, upload an .flv movie to the video folder. For the sake of example, lets say you named the movie “mytest.flv”. If that is successful… if the movie is now in the video folder, then write a post and insert the movie like this; (because you are using the FLV Embed plugin, make sure it is correctly uploaded and activated),

    [flv:/video/mytest.flv 480 360]

    Now publish the post and the movie and player should be visible.

    I am having the same problem – could’t upload the video through admin interface, so i used FTP client. Now that the video is there and linked up properly it just wont load – player window infinitely displays the loading icon. I have tried putting the FLV file on a different server and linking to that – there was no problem. Out of curiosity I entered the FLV URLs into my browser window and the one that is stored on a different server offers me to save the FLV file, while the one on WordPress tells me that the page was not found! is that a general problem and should i just store my FLVs on a server different from the one I store WP files on? or……

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