• I’ve just updated by Worpress install in the usual way, and now I find I’m getting a daunting looking message demanding answers to a bundle of questions I just don’t know!

    Going through these one by one, I don’t know my database’s name; I hope I can recall the username and password but can’t be confident; I know my host is Bluehost, but don’t know what it calls itself in these circumstances; and as I’ve got more than one WordPress weblog running, I know I need prefixes but can’t imagine what they might be.

    It’s all very depressing… I was going to hit 1000 hits today!

    Can anyone please advise in a language I can understand?




    Welcome to WordPress. Before getting started, we need some information on the database. You will need to know the following items before proceeding.

    1. Database name
    2. Database username
    3. Database password
    4. Database host
    5. Table prefix (if you want to run more than one WordPress in a single database)

    If for any reason this automatic file creation doesn’t work, don’t worry. All this does is fill in the database information to a configuration file. You may also simply open wp-config-sample.php in a text editor, fill in your information, and save it as wp-config.php.

    In all likelihood, these items were supplied to you by your ISP. If you do not have this information, then you will need to contact them before you can continue. If you’re all ready…

    Let’s go!

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  • Seemingly, you didn’t update it in the usual way… most likely you deleted the wp-config.php file. Upload it from your backup and it should be OK.

    If you cannot find your wp-config.php file, Bluehost may have a backup for you that they can pull it from. Alternatively, you can click on Mysql Databases in your cPanel account, and then see what your Database is, you can then create a new user and new password for it and assign those to the database, this will give you your database name, username, and password. The database host is localhost and you’ll have to go to phpmyadmin from within the cpanel and select your database to see what prefix is being used. Just getting your config file as Moshu suggested would be the easiest, though.

    Thread Starter gmatkin


    There are some useful clues here, so many thanks.

    Usually I delete Wp includes and Wp admin, and the loose files in the root, and replace them with the new ones in the Wp download. I think I did the same last night.

    I backed up using Bluehost’s backup wizard before I did the deed, but the cPanel button that says it restores SQL databases also asks questions I can’t answer. I’ll have to ask their help people.


    Thread Starter gmatkin


    One other small thing – once I have got my working wp-config.php back, which folder should it live in?



    Hi, the wp-config.php goes in the root directory.

    Thread Starter gmatkin


    My Wp site has now been down for more than 20 hours.

    I continue to be baffled and make no progress. Bluehost has not fully answered my questions relating to what Wp is asking for in order to recreate my config file, so I can’t follow that route unless they decide to be more helpful.

    And although I backed up using their cPanel, I haven’t yet been able to figure out how to recover my config file from the backup – and they haven’t answered that question either.

    I can see four files that I can restore:

    None sounds at all like the file I need, although naturally the backup I ran was supposed to be comprehensive. I know I will seem rather thick to many people, but no doubt some of you will understand how frustrating this is!



    These are databases. Only one of them can be the right database.
    The file you need is wp-config. The database you need is… I don’t know. If you don’t know what it is, or what you’ve done wrong, try getting your wp-config file into your site’s root directory again and if it doesn’t fix it and you aren’t sure what to do, see if Bluehost has an account backup they can restore for you from sometime before you did the upgrade, then do the upgrade again, but properly.

    Thread Starter gmatkin


    The Bluehost folks have reinstated an old version of wp-config – and I’m pleased and very grateful.

    Although most of the site’s functions seem to be working there’s a problem with at least the latest posts – if I click on their heads I get a ‘not found’ message instead of a post in the usual way. Try it at https://intheboatshed.net .

    I’d guess that there’s still something missing here. Does a database need to be rebuilt, or some option need to be reinstated do you think please?

    i cant access any post at your blog. I am getting always a 404 (not found). Can you enter the backend (Admin Panel) ? You use Permalinks so do you have a .htaccess file in your root ? Should look like this :

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /wordpress/
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /wordpress/index.php [L]
    # END WordPress

    Thread Starter gmatkin


    It’s all very clever I think – I went to the Miscellaneous page to have a look at how the permalinks were set up, tried to open one of the links that were giving 404s. And guess what? Suddenly everything began working again. I’m a very happy man this morning, even if I am surprised and baffled!

    Many, many thanks everyone who has tried to help.


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