• hostgator host–
    had a great blog–
    but everytime get message that i need to upgrade there’s a real jam–
    ftp is dreamweaver,
    have control panel on hostgator,
    and the message is there that i need to perform, when it’s time to, a “manual” upgrade.

    so i try to follow the instructions–even the detailed ones.
    i backed up my mysql database
    i backed up the folder that had my blog
    then i tried to upgrade this way:
    i downloaded to computer 2.6.2 (had 2.6.1 already running)
    i threw out all that i thought i was supposed as directed on the support instructions (wp) (from 2.6.1) except
    i saved my themes and plugins (after inactivating them thru the wordpress admin site)
    i savved the files they told me on the instructions from wp that i had printed out
    when it came time to upload the upgrade folder,
    well, i forgot until this time again,
    you can’t upload a whole folder to hostgator thru cpanel.
    you have to do it one little file at a time (document like) and thru their panes which is like filling one grain of rice at a time…
    and they only allow 9 files to go up, or so, so to keep track…it’s like forever.
    i decided, after a few hours of this, to simply
    up to the blog folder on the server myself

    by using dreamweaver and my ftp

    which i did
    i have no idea where my blog is

    can’t get to it by
    or example.com/blog/wp-upgrade
    or no way

    as a matter of fact, you can’t get to it even on it’s
    web address.

    can any one PLEASE ADVISE


    poss problems that i think occurred
    somehow the connection between blog and database, and blog and header (?) or placement on
    real estate on the server or
    not all the things in the right order or in the cohesion needed for wp to work
    the installer/upgrader isn’t “running” and the webhost or who ever doens’t know how to get it going
    the database is somehow not connected to the blog anymore

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  • You may have uploaded things to the wrong place (it should go in public_html/blog) or you overwrote or failed to include your wp-config.php. To upload big, file-filled folders, make a .zip archive of them before uploading and then use cPanel’s File Manager to extract them.

    A future option is to use the WordPress Automatic upgrade plugin.

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