just want to publish pages not have a blog ?
Hello everyone.
I am wanting to just set up WordPress as a publishing platform for my articles.
Can anyone help?
Install wordpress. Create your pages. Set the start Page to be a certain Page, and just ignore posts.
Then find a template you like, remove all those RSS, blogrolling, categories, archives etc. links you do not want, and you have a full-featured CMS.Thanks mores!
I’ll give that a try. Is there anyone who will help in customizing for just a deep appreciation? Probably not, but thought I’d ask. I want wordpress to look similar to my site at https://7times.org so I need a newspaper or magazine style theme.
I found a few but they are for those, it seems, who have a lot of experience with wordpress.Thanks for replying my friend.
Well, I installed WordPress.
Immediately I began receiving porn spam notitications in my email. I of course, didn’t approve them but it is extremely irritating that some people can’t get a life!
What do others do to block the spam before it even comes in to be approved?
What do others do to block the spam before it even comes in to be approved?
I use three plugins:
Cookies for Comments
Simple Trackback Validation
AkismetThis reduces my spam to basically zero.
Also see here:
https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Combating_Comment_SpamThey use anti-spam plugins.
You must have a hot-link to your email for the spammers to be able to find it that quickly. Use just plain text for your email, perhaps in a “Contact” page. If that doesn’t work, use a confused version of the plain text: me AT mydomain DOT com
If that doesn’t work add even more confusion and then give directions:
me AT fuzzlebugmydomain DOT com (remove fuzzlebug)
Since all you want to do is publish articles, it should be relatively easy to shut the doors. Weird.
Wendel: No, he meant comment spam. He’s getting moderation notifications in his email. ??
Otto: Understood. But if all he’s doing is publishing pages, no blog, he shouldn’t have comments on at all. Which might be another new set of worms.
I have all references to comments off on my blog, no comments allowed checked when I publish, even went into the theme editor and commented out the calls to comments in all the templates. And yet I have comments in the Dashboard. And they’re approved. But don’t show anywhere. So how do we shut this door tight?
If you have comments in the dashboard, then you don’t have the comments turned off entirely. Whatever post or page those comments are attached to has comments or “pings” enabled for it.
And comments are enabled by default. Yes, even on Pages. Pages are just special Posts, you know. They can have comments too.
In Dashboard>Settings>Discussion:
“Allow people to post comments on the article” is not checked.
The option to post comments is not active in the Manage page for the post. I have pingbacks, which I’ve allowed, but I don’t understand where the comments are coming from.
Sorry Ken, I didn’t mean to hijack your thread, but I -think- these might be related issues.
They are, most likely trackbacks (TB). If there is no plugin to stop them at the “entrance”, so to speak, then they will sneak in because are posted by automatic scripts and they hit directly the file that handles the TBs.
No problem Wendel. I enjoy all the chat and learn something each time.
Ok on unchecking “Allow people to post comments on articles.”
Ok on Akismet plugin.And Otto42, thanks for those links.
Even though all that is done, does each page have to have comments turned off? That is kinda crazy.
I guess if a person is using “blog” software, one should be wanting comments, but I have found that on a religious web page, comments or forums only set things for big arguments.
Been there, done that, don’t want to give those who know it all a free space to preach. That’s what I’m here for. hehehehehehhe. No seriously, I have had bad results with that kind of site.
I started back when bulletin boards were popular. Then ran one on the web, then had a forum on my site for a year or so.
It seems no one wanted to chat and discuss differences of opinion but just to preach their “brand” of religion without giving any one else the time of day.Don’t intend to get into that again.
If I can’t get comments turned off completely, can anyone recommend another script or free software that will be at least almost as easy to install as WordPress? And of course, one that is not “blog”?
Thanks for all the comments here.
Even though all that is done, does each page have to have comments turned off?
And of course, one that is not “blog”?
If not blog then what?
I have pingbacks, which I’ve allowed, but I don’t understand where the comments are coming from.
Pingbacks and trackbacks both come in as though they were comments, just through a different door. So if you have pings enabled, then what you’re seeing is not a comment, but a trackback. So, either disallow pings as well, or use anti-spam plugins.
Okay, thanks. Yeah, looking more closely they’re trackbacks, which is a good thing. It just threw me that the pingbacks are in a separate list.
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