• Is there a plugin that will show the author of a post. My site has multiple authors and I want to display the who is the author.


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  • There isn’t but it’s built-in. Normal themes (i.e. not the default) display the authors’ names.


    You don’t really need a plugin for that but rather use the template tag, the_author to display that information for each post.

    The WordPress Default theme has an example of the_author in the wp-content/themes/default/index.php but the code is ‘commented-out’ so it doesn’t execute. So if you wanted to display the author info with the WordPress Default theme you would change the line in wp-content/theme/default/index.php
    <small><?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?> <!-- by <?php the_author() ?> --></small>
    <small><?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?> by <?php the_author() ?> </small>

    And then how do I link to all the posts this author has written for the blog?

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