• I was using WS_FTP95 to upload the WordPress to 2.6.1 files, but it kept crashing.

    Then I switched to WINSCP to upload the WordPress to 2.6.1 files, which was stable.

    I was able to access my blog, login, and update the database.

    At the bottom of the Site Admin wp-admin/ web page reads Version 2.6.2

    I activated Askimet 2.1.8

    When you sign up for a WordPress.com account we will email you an API key. If you already have a WordPress.com account, your API key is listed on your profile page, which you can get to by clicking the “My Account” link in the top right when you’re logged in.

    I didn’t find the “My Account” link.

    I clicked on the Akismet Configuration link there is This key is valid.

    My question, Is my Askimet 2.1.8 API key ok from the upgrade?

    I added the following to the wp-config.php file with the unique phrases

    // Change each KEY to a different unique phrase. You won’t have to remember the phrases later,
    // so make them long and complicated. You can visit //api.www.ads-software.com/secret-key/1.1/
    // to get keys generated for you, or just make something up. Each key should have a different phrase.
    define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ‘put your unique phrase here’); // Change this to a unique phrase.
    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘put your unique phrase here’); // Change this to a unique phrase.
    define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘put your unique phrase here’); // Change this to a unique phrase.


    I prefer the visual layout of the Site Admin web pages in WordPress 2.2 to WordPress to 2.6.1.

    Unless I am missing something, then it appears to be a successful upgrade.

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  • you sign up for a WordPress.com account

    .COM! (not org)

    Thread Starter inquire


    <you sign up for a WordPress.com account

    .COM! (not org)>

    Do you mean long ago, I incorrectly signed up for a WordPress.com Akismet account?

    If so, then what should I undo and redo?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    I didn’t find the “My Account” link.

    The “My Account” link won’t be on your OWN blog. It’s on your account on WordPress.com.

    I clicked on the Akismet Configuration link there is This key is valid.
    My question, Is my Askimet 2.1.8 API key ok from the upgrade?

    If your key was valid before, then it’s valid afterwards. It’s not like it got erased or something. You don’t get a new key from upgrading, because your key is tied to your WordPress.COM account. That’s the one you have over here: https://wordpress.com. Not the one on your own personal site.

    Thread Starter inquire


    It has been over a year since I activiated my WordPress.COM account and activiated Akismet.

    I never login into my WordPress.COM account.

    I was directed to www.ads-software.com because I wanted to manage my own blog.

    So, I guess there isn’t a separate www.ads-software.com Akismet account.

    I was directed to www.ads-software.com because I wanted to manage my own blog.

    For API Key you are NEVER directed to www.ads-software.com.

    Thread Starter inquire


    <For API Key you are NEVER directed to www.ads-software.com.>

    Long ago, I posted a question regarding to setting up a blog on the WordPress.com forums.

    I was directed to www.ads-software.com NOT for an API Key, rather to setup and manage my blog.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Akismet and its API key are not part of your blog. Akismet is a plugin for your blog, and the API key is obtained from your WordPress.com account.

    Thread Starter inquire


    <Akismet and its API key are not part of your blog. Akismet is a plugin for your blog, and the API key is obtained from your WordPress.com account.>

    Thank you for your explantion.

    It had been over a year ago, and I had forgotten I obtained the Akismet API key from my WordPress.com account.

    Can I use this Akismet API key on multiple blogs or is it one per blow?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    It can be used on multiple blogs, but realize two things:

    1. The API key is tied to a specific WordPress.com account. So if you tie a blog to that account, then only that account owner will be able to see the statistics for that blog. So, don’t use it on other people’s blogs. Get them their own wp.com account and have them use their API key.

    2. Akismet is free for non-commercial use only. Commercial users need to pay for it. More info here: https://akismet.com/commercial/

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