@csigncsign: I do have two own websites, of which one shows more than 100 Spam Comments each day whereas the other one with 10times the traffic only slips one or two Spam Comments, which is okay although I’d rather not have it at all.
I do also maintain more than 100 clients webpages of which so far only about 5 are affected by slipped spam comments, but some of them very massive (one is having more than 10000 spam comments since January 1st). So it appears that not all Websites using Antispam Bee are affected the same way.
@plugininkollectiv I know you guys are doing a great job keeping the Plugins of Sergej Müller alive, but I wish you’d take this one serious. Throughout the web, there’s already rumour going on that Antispam Bee is dead and not being maintained at all. If that’s the case and you can’t fix these issues due to capacytiy or even cost reasons, it’d be great to get at least some official statement.
Otherwise I’d appreciate some hint whether you are working on this and when to expect an update on Antispam Bee?