• I’m sure this is something easy and stupid I’m missing. All I want is a single pic in the post that links to the full post with the whole gallery. Just like at Matt’s: https://ma.tt/category/gallery/. I’ve tried to look around, messed with the shortcode, etc.

    Thanks in advance for helping!

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  • I’m interested in doing something similar. Anyone know how it’s done? Thanks!

    You could fix that by using the Custom Fields on the post.

    Custom Field key: thumbnail
    Custom Field value: https:// link-to-your .jpg

    Then in your code, you could write something like this:

    <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><img src="<?php $key="thumbnail"; echo get_post_meta($post->ID, $key, true); ?>" alt="<?php the_title(); ?>" title="Click this thumbnail to read <?php the_title(); ?>" /></a>

    I was wanting to create a page w/in a page. For example in my site: https://kimhamblin.com/realestate having the ‘featured listings’ area include a thumbnail link with a quick blurb about the property that opens to it’s own page. If you click on the featured listings, you’ll see a ‘**53.5 acre…’ page pop up- I would like that page (and others in the future) inside the featured listings page.

    I’m just learning how these things work, and I have to admit, I don’t understand most of the lingo. My bro-in-law set up my site for me, but has gotten too busy to further help me and he is just learning the ins and outs of wordpress too!

    Can anyone out there help?

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