• Resolved JD


    I’ve been exploring an issue where I’m finding a huge block of code from Elegant Themes inside the code for each popup on my site. Now, I’m using Divi theme, which is made by Elegant Themes, and I’m also using two other plugins made by Elegant Themes. When I contacted Elegant Themes about seeing their code inside the Popup Maker code, they had me switch to a WordPress default theme (I used Twenty Seventeen) and also told me to disable all Elegant Themes plugins. I did this, cleared browser, server, and CDN cache, and still found the Elegant Themes code inside the code for the popups. They told me:

    It looks like the plugin is storing that message somewhere so it’s not coming from our products. You should contact the plugin’s authors about this problem, please explain to them that all ET products are deactivated. If they think that there’s anything needs to be done from our side, please let me know.

    You can see this problem on my staging site. Open this page and inspect it, then in the inspector scroll down until you see the Popup Maker code. Within it, you’ll see a whole bunch of Elegant Themes code that seems like it’s being saved somehow by the Popup Maker plugin. This site has the Twenty Seventeen theme installed and also has all Elegant Themes plugins deactivated.

    Here’s an example of the code as well (please ignore that most of the code looks really bad… it’s just because this is our staging site and I’ve disabled everything that’s normally needed for this site to look they way it’s supposed to):
    <div id="pum-4363" class="pum pum-overlay pum-theme-2817 popmake-overlay" data-popmake="{&quot;id&quot;:4363,&quot;slug&quot;:&quot;andy&quot;,&quot;theme_id&quot;:2817,&quot;cookies&quot;:[],&quot;triggers&quot;:[{&quot;type&quot;:&quot;click_open&quot;,&quot;settings&quot;:{&quot;extra_selectors&quot;:&quot;.andy&quot;,&quot;do_default&quot;:null,&quot;cookie&quot;:{&quot;name&quot;:null}}}],&quot;mobile_disabled&quot;:null,&quot;meta&quot;:{&quot;display&quot;:{&quot;size&quot;:&quot;medium&quot;,&quot;responsive_min_width&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;responsive_max_width&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;custom_width&quot;:&quot;640&quot;,&quot;custom_height&quot;:&quot;380&quot;,&quot;animation_type&quot;:&quot;fade&quot;,&quot;animation_speed&quot;:&quot;350&quot;,&quot;animation_origin&quot;:&quot;center top&quot;,&quot;position_bottom&quot;:&quot;<em>Before you can receive product updates, you must first authenticate your Elegant Themes subscription. To do this, you need to enter both your Elegant Themes Username and your Elegant Themes API Key into the Updates Tab in your theme and plugin settings. To locate your API Key, <a href=\&quot;https:\/\/www.elegantthemes.com\/members-area\/api-key.php\&quot; target=\&quot;_blank\&quot;>log in<\/a> to your Elegant Themes account and navigate to the <strong>Account > API Key<\/strong> page. <a href=\&quot;http:\/\/www.elegantthemes.com\/gallery\/divi\/documentation\/update\/\&quot; target=\&quot;_blank\&quot;>Learn more here<\/a><\/em>. If you still get this message, please make sure that your Username and API Key have been entered correctly&quot;,&quot;location&quot;:&quot;center top&quot;,&quot;position_right&quot;:&quot;<em>Before you can receive product updates, you must first authenticate your Elegant Themes subscription. To do this, you need to enter both your Elegant Themes Username and your Elegant Themes API Key into the Updates Tab in your theme and plugin settings. To locate your API Key, <a href=\&quot;https:\/\/www.elegantthemes.com\/members-area\/api-key.php\&quot; target=\&quot;_blank\&quot;>log in<\/a> to your Elegant Themes account and navigate to the <strong>Account > API Key<\/strong> page. <a href=\&quot;http:\/\/www.elegantthemes.com\/gallery\/divi\/documentation\/update\/\&quot; target=\&quot;_blank\&quot;>Learn more here<\/a><\/em>. If you still get this message, please make sure that your Username and API Key have been entered correctly&quot;,&quot;position_top&quot;:&quot;100&quot;,&quot;position_left&quot;:&quot;<em>Before you can receive product updates, you must first authenticate your Elegant Themes subscription. To do this, you need to enter both your Elegant Themes Username and your Elegant Themes API Key into the Updates Tab in your theme and plugin settings. To locate your API Key, <a href=\&quot;https:\/\/www.elegantthemes.com\/members-area\/api-key.php\&quot; target=\&quot;_blank\&quot;>log in<\/a> to your Elegant Themes account and navigate to the <strong>Account > API Key<\/strong> page. <a href=\&quot;http:\/\/www.elegantthemes.com\/gallery\/divi\/documentation\/update\/\&quot; target=\&quot;_blank\&quot;>Learn more here<\/a><\/em>. If you still get this message, please make sure that your Username and API Key have been entered correctly&quot;,&quot;overlay_zindex&quot;:&quot;1999999998&quot;,&quot;zindex&quot;:&quot;1999999999&quot;,&quot;responsive_min_width_unit&quot;:&quot;px&quot;,&quot;responsive_max_width_unit&quot;:&quot;px&quot;,&quot;custom_width_unit&quot;:&quot;px&quot;,&quot;custom_height_unit&quot;:&quot;px&quot;},&quot;close&quot;:{&quot;text&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;button_delay&quot;:&quot;0&quot;},&quot;click_open&quot;:{&quot;extra_selectors&quot;:&quot;&quot;}}}" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"><div id="popmake-4363" class="pum-container popmake theme-2817 pum-responsive pum-responsive-medium responsive size-medium"><div class="pum-content popmake-content"><h3><img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-4360" src="https://ce7.a7b.myftpupload.com/wp-content/uploads/Andy-LeCompte.jpeg" alt="andy-lecompte" width="180" height="219">Andy LeCompte&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 16px;">MA, Humanistic Psychology</span></h3><p>A student of <em>A Course in Miracles</em> for twenty-five years, Andy has applied Course principles as an organization development consultant and as head of the Let’s Talk Training Group. He is the author of <em>Creating Harmonious Relationships: A Practical Guide to the Power of True Empathy</em>. In 2004 he met David Hoffmeister and turned his focus inward to the mind.</p></div><button type="button" class="pum-close popmake-close" aria-label="Close"> × </button></div></div>

    Thanks for your help!

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by JD.
Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)
  • @jutta0303

    Sorry you’re having difficulties, I’m sure we can this resolved.

    I’ll have our Lead Dev @danieliser take a look as soon as possible.

    Thank you for being patient.

    Thread Starter JD


    Thank you for the response!

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @jutta0303 – Funny enough this comes up a lot. Unfortunately its something in the way they are filtering post_meta. I don’t have access to their themes, but do know from debugging that the data stored in post meta does not contain that extra text, so it is added when loaded. The problem is we don’t use any filters that could conflict. That data is passed through one filter on our end pum_popup_data_attr which is obviously not where the issue is occurring. This only leaves them filtering get_post_meta before we get the data.

    Hard to figure out without access to their code, but might be worth a shot trying their support to see how it might be occurring based on the above info.

    Thread Starter JD


    Cool. Thanks @danieliser. They did ask me to pass on any information I might get from you, especially if it seemed like it might some issue on their end. So, I’ll pass on what you wrote to Elegant Themes and see how that goes.

    Appreciate the reply!

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @jutta0303 – This may help as well. This is the function in question. https://github.com/PopupMaker/Popup-Maker/blob/master/includes/class-pum-popup.php#L356-L385

    Hope that helps, let me know.

    Thread Starter JD


    Great! Thanks!

    Thread Starter JD


    Hi @danieliser,

    Elegant came back with the following reply:

    Since you can still see the message while all of our products are deactivated, there is really nothing we can do about it. You can send them a copy of the theme after downloading it from your member area to check the code.

    So, if you like, I can provide the theme files for you. Just let me know of the best way to do that.


    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @jutta0303 – That would be fine. I will track it down locally pretty quickly. You can send it via our support page: https://wppopupmaker.com/support/

    Thread Starter JD


    Awesome! Have just done that ??

    Thanks so much!

    Closing this ticket. The conversation has moved to our Support Portal.

    As soon as a solution is found, it will be converted to our Documentation, and the link posted in this thread.

    Stay tuned, and thanks for the files!

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @jutta0303 – I have not been able to reproduce this. I installed the divi theme you sent me and built a test page, even entered some bogus update credentials, couldn’t trigger it.

    Any thoughts on how we can make it happen? From you or their support would be helpful in tracking this down.

    I am having the same issue.. Using Divi theme and my code shows a lot of garbage.

    Any developments on this?


    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @jutta0303, @paulovsky – I have tried everything I can to duplicate this issue, as have Elegant Themes.

    Here is what I have found so far:

    This is the data attribute whos data is being corrupted:

    	"id": 4363,
    	"slug": "andy",
    	"theme_id": 2817,
    	"cookies": [],
    	"triggers": [
    			"type": "click_open",
    			"settings": {
    				"extra_selectors": ".andy",
    				"do_default": null,
    				"cookie": {
    					"name": null
    	"mobile_disabled": null,
    	"meta": {
    		"display": {
    			"size": "medium",
    			"responsive_min_width": "",
    			"responsive_max_width": "",
    			"custom_width": "640",
    			"custom_height": "380",
    			"animation_type": "fade",
    			"animation_speed": "350",
    			"animation_origin": "center top",
    			"position_bottom": "<em>Before you can receive product updates, you must first authenticate your Elegant Themes subscription. To do this, you need to enter both your Elegant Themes Username and your Elegant Themes API Key into the Updates Tab in your theme and plugin settings. To locate your API Key, <a href=\"https://www.elegantthemes.com/members-area/api-key.php\" target=\"_blank\">log in</a> to your Elegant Themes account and navigate to the <strong>Account > API Key</strong> page. <a href=\"https://www.elegantthemes.com/gallery/divi/documentation/update/\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more here</a></em>. If you still get this message, please make sure that your Username and API Key have been entered correctly",
    			"location": "center top",
    			"position_right": "<em>Before you can receive product updates, you must first authenticate your Elegant Themes subscription. To do this, you need to enter both your Elegant Themes Username and your Elegant Themes API Key into the Updates Tab in your theme and plugin settings. To locate your API Key, <a href=\"https://www.elegantthemes.com/members-area/api-key.php\" target=\"_blank\">log in</a> to your Elegant Themes account and navigate to the <strong>Account > API Key</strong> page. <a href=\"https://www.elegantthemes.com/gallery/divi/documentation/update/\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more here</a></em>. If you still get this message, please make sure that your Username and API Key have been entered correctly",
    			"position_top": "100",
    			"position_left": "<em>Before you can receive product updates, you must first authenticate your Elegant Themes subscription. To do this, you need to enter both your Elegant Themes Username and your Elegant Themes API Key into the Updates Tab in your theme and plugin settings. To locate your API Key, <a href=\"https://www.elegantthemes.com/members-area/api-key.php\" target=\"_blank\">log in</a> to your Elegant Themes account and navigate to the <strong>Account > API Key</strong> page. <a href=\"https://www.elegantthemes.com/gallery/divi/documentation/update/\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more here</a></em>. If you still get this message, please make sure that your Username and API Key have been entered correctly",
    			"overlay_zindex": "1999999998",
    			"zindex": "1999999999",
    			"responsive_min_width_unit": "px",
    			"responsive_max_width_unit": "px",
    			"custom_width_unit": "px",
    			"custom_height_unit": "px"
    		"close": {
    			"text": "",
    			"button_delay": "0"
    		"click_open": {
    			"extra_selectors": ""

    The only place this string is located in the Divi theme is

    <em>Before you can receive product updates, you must first authenticate your Elegant Themes subscription. To do this, you need to enter both your Elegant Themes Username and your Elegant Themes API Key into the Updates Tab in your theme and plugin settings. To locate your API Key, <a href=\"https://www.elegantthemes.com/members-area/api-key.php\" target=\"_blank\">log in</a> to your Elegant Themes account and navigate to the <strong>Account > API Key</strong> page. <a href=\"https://www.elegantthemes.com/gallery/divi/documentation/update/\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more here</a></em>. If you still get this message, please make sure that your Username and API Key have been entered correctly

    Is only located in the themes /core/admin/includes/class-updates.php:415.

    It is only called when there is an update but either no key is entered or the key is not valid.

    Based on that I am not sure what to think. We have a new version going into testing shortly. I would like to see if it happens with new popups created after that version is released.

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    I am also adding some sanitization to those fields that are getting corrupted so that they will hopefully be reset on each save of the popup.

    Thread Starter JD



    Thanks so much for the follow-up! Is there anything for me to do at the moment; should I pass any of this onto the guys from Elegant Themes? Anything I can test on my end?

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