Hi, caimin_nwl
I have a multilanguage site. (IT primary language and EN secondary language)
Languages are managed by WPML and my posts and my pages are all translated in two languages.
To manage events, I am testing “Event Manager” + “Events Manager and WPML Compatibility” plugins and all events are correctly translated in two language. (title and description)
I need also a page with a events calendar so I have tryed to use “WP fullcalendar” (suggested by EM). So:
– I have create a new page,
– I have inserted the [fullcalendar] shortcode in the contents field
– I have created a “secondary language” version of this page by WPML
but, in this calendar, the events titles are showed always in the primary language, even if I switch to the secondary language; and also the links (inside the title) are pointing to primary language single event page ??
So I have thought:
or I am doing something wrong or, maybe, WP Fullcalendar is not compatible with WPML
Are you able to view the event posts in two languages?
If yes, I will try to solve my issue
note: in the native EM Calendar, titles and links are correctly translated but I do not like the look
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