• Hi,

    I’ve been working on a function in the sidebar, but I seem to be stuck. The idea is as follows – I have a set of pages which I update, more or less frequently. I’d like to have a little “new” image or legend, next to the pages I updated less than eg. 10 days ago.

    Photos (new)

    I’ve managed to mock up some code that checks a date, compare it to a date (10 days ago) and display a gif image or not, depending on the result. I’ve placed this in /wp-include/classes.php around line 520 and it goes like this:
    `$today = current_time(‘timestamp’, 1);
    $offset = $today – 864000; // 10 days offset
    *MISSING VARIABLE, $last_modified*
    $nice_time = substr($last_modified, 0, 10); //just display the date
    $aDate = explode(“-“,$nice_time); //split the date in vars
    $unixtime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $aDate[1], $aDate[2], $aDate[0]); //create epoch timestamp of the date

    if ( $unixtime > $offset ) { //
    $do = “<img src=\”new.gif\”>”;
    It works – apart from the missing variable. I need to fetch the value of “last_modified”. I could do that with a straight forward mysql get, but that seems as bad practice, as the database connections are going on elsewhere.

    Does anyone know of a good approach to this? Or maybe there’s already a plugin that does this? The closest variable I could get a hold on was $last_post_modified, but that’s returns the date of the latest modified post of all posts.. sigh!

    Thanks in advance for input and/or thoughts.

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  • Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Don’t put your code into the core and such. Just put it in your theme, wherever you need it.

    get_the_modified_time() is the function you want, and it would go somewhere in your Loop that’s getting the list of pages.

    Thread Starter netromd


    Okay, thanks for the advice. Point taken about the core. So i’ve been looking into sidebar.php, as the page links are generated there. But the way wp_list_pages() works, it’s not easy to add code to each page link.

    I’ve found some code and fitted it to my need:

    $u_time = get_the_time('U');
    $u_modified_time = get_the_modified_time('U');
    if ($u_modified_time <= $u_time - 864000) {
    $display_legend = "<img src=\"new.gif\">";

    Simple indeed – but I can’t figure out where to put it?

    Any ideas?

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