Text problems in posts!
So I installed the grunge-wall theme for wordpress and when I post and but “enter” in between the sentences, or the block of text (whatever it’s called) and when I post it the hole text lumps together without the spaces between. It’s not pretty at all. How can I fix this? + the headline of the post gets covered by some invisible block if it’s long enough, anyone got an idea how to fix this?
If you don’t know what I’m talking about then check out it here: https://www.dangerdanger.org
I am having the same issue in my blog, DailyMarketers.com. I have not yet resolved it. I have tried the folowing and it has not worked.
My Problem – The featured content on my home page bunches all the text together without leaving double spaces between each paragraph, but when I view the post on a single-post page it looks fine. (examples: https://www.DailyMarketers.com – featured article & https://www.DailyMarketers.com/2008/10/top-two-fundamentals-of-small-business-marketing/ – single post page of same article)
I have tried adding the “p” tag to the original code on index.php from…
<?php the_excerpt_reloaded(30, '<img><a>', 'content', false, 'More...', true); ?>
<?php the_excerpt_reloaded(30, '<p><img><a>', 'content', false, 'More...', true); ?>
Any other suggestions?
– David RobertsonNo one?
Well that’s a design issue, Go to the style.css and add the following:
.post p { margin: 1em 0em; }
This will give you a fontsize of top and bottom margin to your paragraphs. (do note that IE6 doesn’t overlap margins it adds them up so the space will be 2 line heights)
Well that’s a design issue, Go to the style.css and add the following:
.post p { margin: 1em 0em; }@jberghem – This still does not work on my site. I did at the code that you suggested in the above response, but I already had a padding code that gave the spacing.
After I added your code the problem is still the same. My left column (featured post) does not have the spacing, but the single post does space the paragraphs correctly.
Any other suggestions?
https://www.DailyMarketers.com@ davidr12684 – Well my first reply was to JanDanger. In your case, although you do have a
in your style.css, you don’t have any<div class="post">
in your template files.
use:p { margin: 1em 0em; }
and it will effect all paragraphs on the site (unless you’ve specified differently with a class or ID selector elsewhere)And insert it where? I changed the “em” to “px”, Don’t seem to work. Is there some specific location where I should insert it?
It does have a css code that looks like this:
“.post {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 541px;
border: solid 3px #3F3F3F;
background: #242424;
padding: 15px 25px 15px 25px;
position: relative;
margin-bottom: 36px;
min-height: 100px;
-height: 100px;
}”This issue is, that when I press “enter” when making a post the enter-space won’t show, it just lumps together.
@jberghem – I added the p {margin: 1em 0em;} and it works great. Thanks for your help in this issue!
@ JanDanger – Just took a look at your site and it looks like it worked after all.
Yeah, oh sry, it did work! Thank you very much! ??
I got the issue with the headline of post being covered with some invisible stuff , it shows up correct when loading the page 1st. it might have something to do with my making orange the default color. Please help if possible because I am a totally newbie to html.
#nav a{ display: block; padding: 11px 15px; background: url(images/navbtn.jpg) repeat right center; font: bold 12px Arial, sans-serif; border-left: solid 1px #8C8C8C; border-right: solid 1px #8C8C8C; border: solid 1px #8C8C8C; color: #fff; text-decoration: none; } #nav a:hover, #nav .current_page_item a{ background: url(images/navbtnhover_orange.jpg) repeat right center; } .post p { margin: 1em 0em; } .post { margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 541px; border: solid 3px #3F3F3F; background: #242424; padding: 15px 25px 15px 25px; position: relative; margin-bottom: 36px;
Thank you very my in advanced
Lars Christensen@larschristensen – Your page and post headers all seem fine in IE7, FireFox, Opera, Chrome and Safari. So you’re going to have to be a bit more specific about your problem and in which browser you have the problem. ( I currently do not have a PC running IE6 so I can’t check how that looks ) You do however have lots of errors in both XHTML and CSS and these are causing your sidebar on the frontpage to be invisible in IE7.
Sorry that I don’t have a quick fix for you Lars, but there are too many errors that cause problems right now. Validate your XHTML at https://validator.w3.org/ and your CSS at https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ I personally like using the FireFox browser in combination with the Web Developer toolbar. To get a basic understanding of XHTML and CSS, most people on this site will send you to W3 Schools (https://www.w3schools.com/) which is a great and very elaborate source. However I personally prefer to send newbies to the HTML Dog website (https://www.htmldog.com/) Because it explains it more simply and tells you why things are done in a certain way. When you understand what he teaches in his tutorials, which are simple to follow, you’ll be able to do very complex things with them. Once you understand the why, you won’t have to think so much about the how when you’re coding.
Good luck!
Thank you for you responds, never tested the site with IE7, oopps, I can see I have some reading/learning to do, again thank you for helping.
LarsHello I am having the same problem as mentioned on top. I have pasted, “.post p { margin: 1em 0em; }” in the style.css with no effect. Is there a special place that this code should be placed?
@the5thdimension advice given is often dependent of the theme that is used. The fist question you need to ask is: does it apply to the theme I’m using. If you supply a link to your site I can take a look.
You probably have a conflicting
.post p
further down in the stylesheet that overrides it. CSS resolves conflicts in 2 ways: 1 what is last in the document. 2 what is more specific.example: you want to style this XHTML with CSS
<div id="container"> <div class="textbox"> <p>some text</p> </div> </div>
If the CSS looks like this:
p { color: blue;} /* other css */ p { color: red;}
The text will be red because it’s further down the page
If the CSS looks like this:
.textbox p { color: blue;} /* other css */ p { color: red;}
The text will be blue because the rule is more specific.
If the CSS looks like this:
#container p { color: blue;} /* other css */ .textbox p { color: red;}
The text will be blue because an ID is more specific than a class because the unique ID can only be used once in the same (X)HTML file.
Hope this helps a little
Thanks for responding jberghem. I grasp the hierarchy concept but I my knowledge of HTML was not sufficient enough to solve this problem so I found that this “block” is actually an image that adds a highlight effect to the top right of posts. I solved the problem by simply removing this image from my folder. I do have a 2 other issues with this GRUNGE-WALL theme.
1. Certain widget texts are either the SAME or ALMOST the same color as the widget background in question. My page is: https://www.DASHOWCASE.com – as you can see, the number of posts in my “select a BIZARRE channel” widget cannot be seen because it is the SAME color. Also my “daily SHOWCASE wisdom” widget has text that is ALMOST the same color making it very difficult to read.
2. Posts in my categories do not display fully. There is a “read more” link that cuts them down to just a few pictures until one views the post individually. Here is what I’m talking about: https://dashowcase.com/?cat=24
If you can help me with these issues I would be extremely grateful.
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