Stageshow Gold Questions
I’m evaluating Stageshow Gold for prospective purchase and have a demo account which I have played with. It seems that it would be suitable for my needs but the demo couldn’t allow interaction in the front end so I installed the cut down version available from WP on a web server in my house to have a closer look. I realise that there are differences between free and paid for versions but I have a few questions as I can see where there might be difficulties for me.
Our main website (which I also manage) displays details about our shows and there can be 20 or more (with a few performances of each) each month especially as current shows can cover a six or seven week period (following month shows issued for sale during first week of preceeding month).
1 – With so many shows listed on our main website, would it be possible to link to the specific show in the Stageshow output with something like an Anchor?
2 – I see that it is possible to number shows in Stageshow Gold so is the short code output sorted by show number so that we could number shows to display in date order? If not, in what order does the shortcode output to screen? Is it just the order of setting up shows?
3 – In the Stageshow version that I have installed, a purchaser is forced to enter all fields in the address form even if the option in settings is unticked. Is that an anomaly?
4 – In the Stageshow version that I have installed, a purchasers email is not validated; ie not even checked to see if it is a valid address. It is therefore possible to put rubbish in this field and it is still accepted. Is that the case in Gold?My thoughts are to install Stageshow Gold as a different website as it would be easier to manage and I don’t feel that our current theme suits it. Our main website can be seen here and my temporary WP installation (for Stageshow) is here.
I would be grateful for anybody’s thought on this, especially Malcolm’s! Thanks…..
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