You can create pages. Then you have to exclude them from the code that causes the site’s pages to be displayed on the menu.
usually the code is wp_list_pages() and there will be some code between the parentheses. You must find the id of the pages you wish to exclude.
if your wp_list_pages looks like this, for example
wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=menu_order&title_li=’) then add this to that line
where 12, 17, 27, 43 are the page id’s for the pages you don’t want on the menu tabs.
To find the page ID, go to Manage Pages in the admin area. Point at the title of a page, and while holding the mouse there, look at your browser’s status line in the lower left corner of the browser window. You will see a URL for that page, and the last thing in the URL will be the page’s ID #.