Emails received are empty
emails received after form is filled in are blank only for the student information that is setup as conditional fields.
<legend><b>Children’s Workshop Registration</b></legend>- Parent/Guardian Name [text* cf7s-parentname]
- Parent/Guardian Email [email* cf7s-email]
- Parent/Guardian Daytime Phone Number [tel* cf7s-dayphone]
- Parent/Guardian Evening Phone Number [tel* cf7s-evephone]
- Street Address [text* cf7s-street]
- City [text* cf7s-city]
- State [text* cf7s-state]
- Zipcode* [text cf7s-zip]
- Emergency Contact [text* cf7s-emercontact]
- Emergency Contact Phone Number [tel* cf7s-emerphone]
- How did find out about our workshops? [select cf7s-select1 “Returning Family” “Newspaper” “Radio”]
- I give my permission for my child(ren) to be photographed and/or videotaped for IVT publicity purposes. [select* cf7s-permission “Yes” “No”]
- <b>STUDENT INFORMATION: Please indicate how many children you will be registering</b> [select* cf7s-amtchild “1” “2” “3” “4”]
- Student Name [text* cf7s-studentname]
- School Name [text* cf7s-school]
- Student Gender [select cf7s-gender “Choose” “Male” “Female”]
- Grade Entering in Fall [select* cf7s-fall “Choose” “First” “Second” “Third” “Fourth” “Fifth” “Sixth” “Seventh”]
- TShirt Size [select* cf7s-tsize “Choose” “Youth Small” “Youth Medium” “Youth Large” “Youth XL”]
- Student Birthday [date* StudentBirthday]
- Health concerns, allergies or diagnosed special needs: [textarea Concerns: 40×3]
- Student Name [text* cf7s-studentname]
- School Name [text* cf7s-school]
- Student Gender [select cf7s-gender “Choose” “Male” “Female”]
- Grade Entering in Fall [select* cf7s-fall “Choose” “First” “Second” “Third” “Fourth” “Fifth” “Sixth” “Seventh”]
- TShirt Size [select* cf7s-tsize “Choose” “Youth Small” “Youth Medium” “Youth Large” “Youth XL”]
- Student Birthday [date* StudentBirthday]
- Health concerns, allergies or diagnosed special needs: [textarea Concerns: 40×3]
- Student Name [text* cf7s-studentname2]
- School Name [text* cf7s-school2]
- Student Gender [select cf7s-gender2 “Choose” “Male” “Female”]
- Grade Entering in Fall [select* cf7s-fall2 “Choose” “First” “Second” “Third” “Fourth” “Fifth” “Sixth” “Seventh”]
- TShirt Size [select* cf7s-tsize2 “Choose” “Youth Small” “Youth Medium” “Youth Large” “Youth XL”]
- Student Birthday [date* StudentBirthday2]
- Health concerns, allergies or diagnosed special needs: [textarea Concerns:2 40×3]
- Student Name [text* cf7s-studentname]
- School Name [text* cf7s-school]
- Student Gender [select cf7s-gender “Choose” “Male” “Female”]
- Grade Entering in Fall [select* cf7s-fall “Choose” “First” “Second” “Third” “Fourth” “Fifth” “Sixth” “Seventh”]
- TShirt Size [select* cf7s-tsize “Choose” “Youth Small” “Youth Medium” “Youth Large” “Youth XL”]
- Student Birthday [date* StudentBirthday]
- Health concerns, allergies or diagnosed special needs: [textarea Concerns: 40×3]
- Student Name [text* cf7s-studentname2]
- School Name [text* cf7s-school2]
- Student Gender [select cf7s-gender2 “Choose” “Male” “Female”]
- Grade Entering in Fall [select* cf7s-fall2 “Choose” “First” “Second” “Third” “Fourth” “Fifth” “Sixth” “Seventh”]
- TShirt Size [select* cf7s-tsize2 “Choose” “Youth Small” “Youth Medium” “Youth Large” “Youth XL”]
- Student Birthday [date* StudentBirthday2]
- Health concerns, allergies or diagnosed special needs: [textarea Concerns:2 40×3]
- Student Name [text* cf7s-studentname3]
- School Name [text* cf7s-school3]
- Student Gender [select cf7s-gender3 “Choose” “Male” “Female”]
- Grade Entering in Fall [select* cf7s-fall3 “Choose” “First” “Second” “Third” “Fourth” “Fifth” “Sixth” “Seventh”]
- TShirt Size [select* cf7s-tsize3 “Choose” “Youth Small” “Youth Medium” “Youth Large” “Youth XL”]
- Student Birthday [date* StudentBirthday3]
- Health concerns, allergies or diagnosed special needs: [textarea Concerns:3 40×3]
- Student Name [text* cf7s-studentname]
- School Name [text* cf7s-school]
- Student Gender [select cf7s-gender “Choose” “Male” “Female”]
- Grade Entering in Fall [select* cf7s-fall “Choose” “First” “Second” “Third” “Fourth” “Fifth” “Sixth” “Seventh”]
- TShirt Size [select* cf7s-tsize “Choose” “Youth Small” “Youth Medium” “Youth Large” “Youth XL”]
- Student Birthday [date* StudentBirthday]
- Health concerns, allergies or diagnosed special needs: [textarea Concerns: 40×3]
- Student Name [text* cf7s-studentname2]
- School Name [text* cf7s-school2]
- Student Gender [select cf7s-gender2 “Choose” “Male” “Female”]
- Grade Entering in Fall [select* cf7s-fall2 “Choose” “First” “Second” “Third” “Fourth” “Fifth” “Sixth” “Seventh”]
- TShirt Size [select* cf7s-tsize2 “Choose” “Youth Small” “Youth Medium” “Youth Large” “Youth XL”]
- Student Birthday [date* StudentBirthday2]
- Health concerns, allergies or diagnosed special needs: [textarea Concerns:2 40×3]
- Student Name [text* cf7s-studentname3]
- School Name [text* cf7s-school3]
- Student Gender [select cf7s-gender3 “Choose” “Male” “Female”]
- Grade Entering in Fall [select* cf7s-fall3 “Choose” “First” “Second” “Third” “Fourth” “Fifth” “Sixth” “Seventh”]
- TShirt Size [select* cf7s-tsize3 “Choose” “Youth Small” “Youth Medium” “Youth Large” “Youth XL”]
- Student Birthday [date* StudentBirthday3]
- Health concerns, allergies or diagnosed special needs: [textarea* Concerns:3 40×3]
- Student Name [text* cf7s-studentname4]
- School Name [text* cf7s-school4]
- Student Gender [select cf7s-gender4 “Choose” “Male” “Female”]
- Grade Entering in Fall [select* cf7s-fall4 “Choose” “First” “Second” “Third” “Fourth” “Fifth” “Sixth” “Seventh”]
- TShirt Size [select* cf7s-tsize4 “Choose” “Youth Small” “Youth Medium” “Youth Large” “Youth XL”]
- Student Birthday [date* StudentBirthday4]
- Health concerns, allergies or diagnosed special needs: [textarea Concerns:4 40×3]
[group Student1]
[group Student2]
<b>First Student Information</b><b>Second Student Information</b>
[group Student3]
<b>First Student Information</b><b>Second Student Information</b>
<b>Third Student Information</b>
[group Student4]
<b>First Student Information</b><b>Second Student Information</b>
<b>Third Student Information</b>
<b>Fourth Student Information</b>
[submit “Submit”]
<p>* Required</p>
<p>?2017 Indian Valley Theatre</p>email body:
From: [cf7s-email]
Subject: Children’s Workshop Registration CompletedParent Name:[cf7s-parentname]
Parent E-Mail:[cf7s-email]
Parent Day Phone:[cf7s-dayphone]
Parent Eve Phone:[cf7s-evephone]
Street Address:[cf7s-street]
Emergency Contact:[cf7s-emercontact]
Emergency Phone:[cf7s-emerphone]
Publicity: [cf7s-permission]
How Did You Hear:[cf7s-select1]
How Many Children:[cf7s-amtchild]First Student Information
Student Name:[cf7s-studentname]
School Name:[cf7s-school]
Second Student Information
Student Name:[cf7s-studentname2]
School Name:[cf7s-school2]
Health:[Concerns:2]Third Student Information
Student Name:[cf7s-studentname3]
School Name:[cf7s-school3]
Health:[Concerns:3]Fourth Student Information
Student Name:[cf7s-studentname4]
School Name:[cf7s-school4]
This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Indian Valley Theatre (
- The topic ‘Emails received are empty’ is closed to new replies.