Checkboxes for users (profile / page) from feed elements
Good afternoon,
I’ve got a question. I’m working on a website at the moment for a friend who asked me for a favor. He has got a company and wants to expand to other countries, thus the reason he wants to have a second website (for his hopefully future foreign customers).
All the plugins installed on the webpage are premium and legit !
They’ve got Custom Facebook Feed (the premium version) and added three feeds to it.
Now, what they want, is that registered users (subscribers) have either a page (preferred) or an option in their dashboard/’account overview’ with checkboxes so they can select whát to see from the feed.They also installed ACF (advanced custom fields) and WPuF (WP User Frontend).
The initial idea was to let users decide which elements (industries/brands from the ACF plugin which they think or thought should work with the cff plugin) they want to see. It was explained to me this was possible with WPuF, but after trying countless ways, I was told by the devs from WPuF that this is NOT possible with théir plugin. They forwarded me to this plugin’s support page, hence the reason I’m asking here:
Is this possible (the checkboxes) with the CFF plugin and how do I do it or where do I find the options to fill it up ? I can’t find it.
Thanks in advance.
I’ve been building websites since 2001, mostly graphically as I’m a graphics designer (just like my grandfather who did it with a pencil haha) and not a die-hard html/php coding expert.
With regards,
– Pr1nceHapi
– HLDezine[edit]
We’re using the ENFOLD premium theme.
All plugins and WP are up to date.
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