• Resolved Spidergirl1979


    I had some custom views (basically joining terms and taxonomy tables etc…) and I noticed it does have a drop view in the backup, the creation of the view doesn’t get executed. It comes back with “Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation”

    If I go into the backup and tweak the SQL statement a bit (make it a simple create view as… instead of the create algorithm…) I can run it in PHPMyadmin without any access denied issues.

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  • Plugin Author David Anderson / Team Updraft



    Please can you copy-and-paste examples of the failing lines, and the lines that you changed them to, so that we can understand the issue better?

    Many thanks,

    Thread Starter Spidergirl1979


    Sure thing. The generated SQL was this:

    CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=cpses_jlzSPmfEaQ@localhostSQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEWwp_terms_vAS selecttr.object_idASobject_id,tr.term_orderASterm_order,tr.term_taxonomy_idASterm_taxonomy_id,tt.term_idASterm_id,tt.taxonomyAStaxonomy,tt.parentASparent,tt.descriptionASdescription,tt.countAScount,t.nameASname,t.slugASslug,t.term_groupASterm_groupfrom ((wp_term_relationshipstrjoinwp_term_taxonomytton((tr.term_taxonomy_id=tt.term_taxonomy_id))) joinwp_termston((t.term_id=tt.term_id))) ;

    and what I changed it to was this:

    CREATE VIEWwp_active_posts_vAS selectwp_posts.IDASIDfrom (wp_postsleft joinwp_postsp2on((wp_posts.post_parent=p2.ID))) where (((wp_posts.post_status<> ‘trash’) and (wp_posts.post_status<> ‘auto-draft’)) or ((wp_posts.post_status= ‘inherit’) and (p2.post_status<> ‘trash’) and (p2.post_status<> ‘auto-draft’))) group bywp_posts.ID;

    Plugin Author David Anderson / Team Updraft


    Thank you!

    Those two don’t look like they’re the same thing. Are those two different views?

    Thread Starter Spidergirl1979


    Oh man, I’m sorry! I had two custom views and got them mixed up. Let’s try this again. ??

    The generated SQL was this:

    CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=cpses_jlzSPmfEaQ@localhost SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW wp_terms_v AS select tr.object_id AS object_id,tr.term_order AS term_order,tr.term_taxonomy_id AS term_taxonomy_id,tt.term_id AS term_id,tt.taxonomy AS taxonomy,tt.parent AS parent,tt.description AS description,tt.count AS count,t.name AS name,t.slug AS slug,t.term_group AS term_group from ((wp_term_relationships tr join wp_term_taxonomy tt on((tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id))) join wp_terms t on((t.term_id = tt.term_id))) ;

    and what I changed it to was this:

    CREATE VIEW wp_terms_v AS select tr.object_id AS object_id,tr.term_order AS term_order,tr.term_taxonomy_id AS term_taxonomy_id,tt.term_id AS term_id,tt.taxonomy AS taxonomy,tt.parent AS parent,tt.description AS description,tt.count AS count,t.name AS name,t.slug AS slug,t.term_group AS term_group from ((wp_term_relationships tr join wp_term_taxonomy tt on((tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id))) join wp_terms t on((t.term_id = tt.term_id))) ;

    Plugin Author David Anderson / Team Updraft


    Thank you. We’ve added an item for investigating this to our internal task-tracking system.


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