• Resolved jgoldbloom


    Experimenting with dynamic sidebar widgets, i.e. AsgarosForumRecentTopics_Widget and AsgarosForumRecentPosts_Widget, when displayed via AJAX in cached pages.

    Issue: The post link is not set i.e. the query string is null, no errors. All other data from SQL etc. is there and renders perfectly.

    This only occurs via an Ajax call to your widget, programmatically in functions.php. No issues with other data or rendering. Works when called internally, if no AJAX is involved. Tried numerous AJAX techniques and same post link issue, plus other plugin widget worked so it’s not the AJAX call itself.

    Looking at forum-widgets.php line 82 I noticed “self::$asgarosforum” referencing the current class member functions/data, this might be related (scope related for that class)???

    Um, if the topic or post link was stored in the DB this issue would go away but I’ll defer to you on solutions. Thanks.

    Tech note:

Viewing 13 replies - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)
  • Thread Starter jgoldbloom


    I ended up writing my own sidebar widget which is then loaded as a shortcut via the No Cache Ajax Widgets plugin, works great including the post link and pagination. Works with Comet Cache plugin and my fully cached home page since it’s called AJAX.

    The widget has options for title, number of posts and type (topics or posts) combined into one widget. I accounted for excluded forums.

    See it in action at https://www.cancerdefiance.net right sidebar where I opted to name it “Recent Forum Activity” limited to 10 posts. Looks identical to the Asgaros widgets.

    If any developer wants to try this, let me know and I’ll post code here.

    But I still would like to see the Asgaros widgets post links work, this solution of mine was done as I’m launching before @asgaros is back, so had to be done.

    Thread Starter jgoldbloom


    Actually I updated my AJAX widget and added a count of replies – hint hint @asgaros after the time ago info, pluralized as needed and no count if no replies yet (which I prefer over “no replies” etc. which is a bummer, heh):

    Recent Forum Activity AJAX widget


    Plugin Author Asgaros


    Hello @jgoldbloom

    How did you implement the forum-widget into the no-cache-ajax-widgets? I want to have a look so that it also works via ajax-calls.

    Edit: Btw, I added a reply-counter to the “recent forum topics”-widget.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Asgaros.
    Thread Starter jgoldbloom


    @asgaros and anyone interested:

    Below is how I implemented in my child theme functions.php by writing my own forum-widget (for now), adding a custom function to render it via shortcode with instance argument support for shortcode type (topics vs. post and total (i.e. 10) like your widget. To render it I simply added shortcode to call my widget via a custom text widget in my theme sidebar setup, easy as that and no embedded PHP in the no cache AJAX widget which would be a huge security hole. See comments in my code for shortcode syntax.

    Pick out what you need, hope you streamline and improve as my method overall is for my own custom widgets and others, not just Asgaros while you were away:

    1. Install https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/no-cache-ajax-widgets/
    2. In functions.php:

    Render widget via shortcode.
    Shortcode examples for post/page/sidebars widgets/No Cache AJAX Widgets (plugin), etc.:
    [cdsnWidget widget_name="cdsn_forum_activity_widget" instance="type=topics&total=10"] 
    [cdsnWidget widget_name="cdsn_forum_activity_widget" instance="type=posts&total=10"] 
    function cdsnWidgetShortCode($atts) {
        global $wp_widget_factory;
            'widget_name' => FALSE,
            'instance' => FALSE,
        ), $atts));
        $instance = str_ireplace("&", '&' ,$instance);
        $widget_name = wp_specialchars($widget_name);
        if (!is_a($wp_widget_factory->widgets[$widget_name], 'WP_Widget')):
            $wp_class = 'WP_Widget_'.ucwords(strtolower($class));
            if (!is_a($wp_widget_factory->widgets[$wp_class], 'WP_Widget')):
                return '<p>'.sprintf(__("%s: Widget class not found. Make sure this widget exists and the class name is correct"),'<strong>'.$class.'</strong>').'</p>';
                $class = $wp_class;
        the_widget($widget_name, $instance, array('widget_id'=>'arbitrary-instance-'.$id,
            'before_widget' => '',
            'after_widget' => '',
            'before_title' => '',
            'after_title' => '',
        $output = ob_get_contents();
        return $output;
    	Widget class cdsn_forum_activity_widget
    	This class creates a widget showing most recent Asgaros forum activity due to Ajax issues with native Asgaros widget.
    	Options include widget title and total topics used to limit the SQL query.
    	Load thru Ajax Widget via [cdsnWidget widget_name="cdsn_forum_activity_widget" instance="type=x&total=y"] 
    	where "x" is type (either topics or posts) and "y" is query limit, i.e 10.
    class cdsn_forum_activity_widget extends WP_Widget {
    	function __construct() {
    		// Base ID  - this is the widget name in WP
    		// Widget name will appear in UI
    		__('CDSN Forum Recent Activity (Asgaros)', 'cdsn_forum_activity_widget_domain'), 
    		// Widget description
    		array( 'description' => __( 'Load thru Ajax Widget via [cdsnWidget widget_name="cdsn_forum_activity_widget" 							instance="type=x&total=y"] where "x" is type (either topics or posts) and "y" is query limit, i.e 10', 			'cdsn_forum_activity_widget_domain' ), ) 
    	// Creating widget front-end and establish widget display options
    	// This is where the action happens
    	public function widget( $args, $instance ) {
    		$title = apply_filters( 'widget_title', $instance['title'] );
    		$limit = intval($instance['total']);
    		$type = $instance['type'];
    		// before and after widget arguments are defined by themes
    		echo $args['before_widget'];
    		if ( ! empty( $title ) ) {echo $args['before_title'] . $title . $args['after_title'];}
    		Code to perform widget task
    		global $wpdb;
    	    // Query for topic data based on instance type
    	    if ($type=='topics') {
    			SELECT p1.text, p1.id, p1.date as postdate, p1.parent_id, p1.author_id, 
    			t.name, u.display_name, um.meta_value as avatar,
    			(SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wp_forum_posts WHERE parent_id=p1.parent_id) AS post_counter FROM wp_forum_posts AS p1 
    			LEFT JOIN wp_forum_posts AS p2 ON (p1.parent_id = p2.parent_id AND p1.id > p2.id) 
    			LEFT JOIN wp_forum_topics AS t ON (t.id = p1.parent_id) 
    			LEFT JOIN wp_forum_forums AS f ON (f.id = t.parent_id)
    			LEFT JOIN wp_users AS u ON (u.id = p1.author_id)
    			LEFT JOIN wp_usermeta AS um ON (um.user_id = p1.author_id and meta_key = 'profile_photo')			 
    			WHERE p2.id IS NULL AND f.parent_id NOT IN ($excludeForumIDs) ORDER BY t.id DESC LIMIT $limit";
    		// Query for posts data based on instance type
    		else {
    			SELECT p1.text, p1.id, p1.date as postdate, p1.parent_id, p1.author_id, 
    			t.name, u.display_name, um.meta_value as avatar,
    			(SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wp_forum_posts WHERE parent_id=p1.parent_id) AS post_counter FROM wp_forum_posts AS p1 
    			LEFT JOIN wp_forum_posts AS p2 ON (p1.parent_id = p2.parent_id AND p1.id > p2.id) 
    			LEFT JOIN wp_forum_topics AS t ON (t.id = p1.parent_id) 
    			LEFT JOIN wp_forum_forums AS f ON (f.id = t.parent_id)
    			LEFT JOIN wp_users AS u ON (u.id = p1.author_id)
    			LEFT JOIN wp_usermeta AS um ON (um.user_id = p1.author_id and meta_key = 'profile_photo')			 
    			WHERE p2.id IS NULL AND f.parent_id NOT IN ($excludeForumIDs) ORDER BY p1.id DESC LIMIT $limit";
    		// Execute our query
    		$posts = $wpdb->get_results($query);
    		foreach ($posts as $post) {
    			 // Prepare our topic link as this info is not stored in the database  
    		     $pageNumber = ceil($post->post_counter / 25); // mtached to # of topics per page in Asgaros
    		     // Prepare our avatar handled by Ultimate Member plugin
    		     $avatar_info=new SplFileInfo($post->avatar);
    		     unset ($avatar_info);
    		     // Ensure we have a default author name if missing
    		     $post->display_name=(!empty($post->display_name)) ? $post->display_name : 'CDSN Member';
    			 // Prepare our content
    			 if ($postCounter>1) {
    				 $postCounter=", $postCounter replies";
    			 elseif ($postCounter==1) {
    				 $postCounter=", 1 reply";
    			 else {
    			 // Pepare debug info (HTML)
    			 // Pepare content (HTML)
    			 <div class='asgarosforum-widget'>	 
    			 	<div class='widget-element cdsnWidgetElement'>	 	
    			 		<div class='widget-avatar cdsnWidgetAvatar'>
    			 			<img src='$avatar' alt='Author profile pic...' />
    			 		<div class='widget-content'>
    			 			<span class='post-link'><a href='$link' title='$lnk...'>$name</a></span>
    			 			<span class='post-author'>by <span class='cdsnWidgetAuthor'>$author</span></span>
    			 			<span class='post-date cdsnWidgetDate'>$date$postCounter</span>
    		// Display prepared content
    		// echo __( $debug.$content, 'cdsn_forum_activity_widget_domain' );
    		echo __( $content, 'cdsn_forum_activity_widget_domain' );
    		echo $args['after_widget'];
    	// Widget Backend 
    	public function form( $instance ) {
    		// Title 
    		if ( isset( $instance[ 'title' ] ) && !empty($instance[ 'title' ]) ) {$title = $instance[ 'title' ];}
    		else {$title = __( 'Recent Forum Activity', 'cdsn_forum_activity_widget_domain' );}
    		// Total topics
    		if ( isset( $instance[ 'total' ] ) && !empty($instance[ 'total' ]) ) {$total = $instance[ 'total' ];}
    		else {$total = __( '10', 'cdsn_forum_activity_widget_domain' );}
    		// Type
    		if ( isset( $instance[ 'type' ] ) && !empty($instance[ 'type' ]) ) {
    			$type = $instance[ 'type' ];
    			$checkedTopics = ($instance[ 'type' ]=='topics') ? "checked" : '';
    			$checkedPosts = ($instance[ 'type' ]=='posts') ? "checked" : '';
    		else {
    			$type = __( 'topics', 'cdsn_forum_activity_widget_domain' );
    		// Widget admin form - widget options
    		<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'title' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Title:' ); ?></label> 
    		<input class="widefat" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'title' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'title' ); ?>" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $title ); ?>" />
    		<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'type' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Type:' ); ?></label> 
    		<input class="radio" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'type' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'type' ); ?>" type="radio" value="topics" <?php echo $checkedTopics; ?> />Topics
    		<input class="radio" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'type' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'type' ); ?>" type="radio" value="posts" <?php echo $checkedPosts; ?> />Posts
    		<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'total' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Total Topics:' ); ?></label> 
    		<input class="tiny-text" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'total' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'total' ); ?>" type="number" step="1" min="1" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $total ); ?>" />
    	// Updating widget replacing old instances with new
    	public function update( $new_instance, $old_instance ) {
    		$instance = array();
    		$instance['title'] = ( ! empty( $new_instance['title'] ) ) ? strip_tags( $new_instance['title'] ) : '';
    		$instance['total'] = ( ! empty( $new_instance['total'] ) ) ? $new_instance['total'] : '10';
    		$instance['type'] = ( ! empty( $new_instance['type'] ) ) ? $new_instance['type'] : 'topics';
    		return $instance;
    	// Sanitize query data to ensure properly escaped and newlines converted to HTML line breaks 
    	private function cdsnSanitize($str) {
    		return nl2br(stripslashes($str),false);
    	// Truncate a string to configured size/nearest word
    	private function cdsnTruncate($text, $length) {
    	   $length = abs((int)$length);
    	   if(strlen($text) > $length) {
    	      $text = preg_replace("/^(.{1,$length})(\s.*|$)/s", '\\1...', $text);
    	// Date to "time ago" in Facebook style human readable format
    	private function cdsnTimeAgo($timestamp)  {  
    	      $time_ago = strtotime($timestamp);  
    	      $current_time = time();  
    	      $time_difference = $current_time - $time_ago;  
    	      $seconds = $time_difference;  
    	      $minutes      = round($seconds / 60 );           // value 60 is seconds  
    	      $hours           = round($seconds / 3600);       // value 3600 is 60 minutes * 60 sec  
    	      $days          = round($seconds / 86400);        // 86400 = 24 * 60 * 60;  
    	      $weeks          = round($seconds / 604800);      // 7*24*60*60;  
    	      $months          = round($seconds / 2629440);    // ((365+365+365+365+366)/5/12)*24*60*60  
    	      $years          = round($seconds / 31553280);    // (365+365+365+365+366)/5 * 24 * 60 * 60  
    	      if($seconds <= 60)  
    	     return "Just now";  
    	      else if($minutes <=60)  
    	       return "1 minute ago";  
    	       return "$minutes minutes ago";  
    	      else if($hours <=24)  
    	       return "1 hour ago";  
    	       return "$hours hrs ago";  
    	      else if($days <= 7)  
    	       return "Yesterday";  
    	       return "$days days ago";  
    	      else if($weeks <= 4.3) //4.3 == 52/12  
    	       return "1 week ago";  
    	       return "$weeks weeks ago";  
    	       else if($months <=12)  
    	       return "1 month ago";  
    	       return "$months months ago";  
    	       return "1 year ago";  
    	       return "$years years ago";  
    }  // Class cdsn_forum_activity_widget ends here
    // Register and load the above widget
    function cdsn_load_forum_widget() {
    	register_widget( 'cdsn_forum_activity_widget' );
    /* Make it happen */
    add_action( 'widgets_init', 'cdsn_load_forum_widget' );

    To others:

    Remember my forum-widget has some hard coded values like forum ID’s to exclude plus I use Ultimate Member plugin so meta content is included for that and my specific site. I included a couple of small helper functions used by this and other widgets/code – FYI.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by jgoldbloom. Reason: Fixed a typo
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by jgoldbloom. Reason: code formatting fix
    Thread Starter jgoldbloom


    btw, this line in my widget code:

    `$instance = str_ireplace(“&”, ‘&’ ,$instance);’

    …should have the first argument as “& amp;” without the space as this support forum decoded the html entity even though I used a code block. Aaaaargh.

    Oh, one last thing — remember I wrote my own widget due to the very important post link getting destroyed via an AJAX call using the Asgaros native widget. I opted to use a shortcode in the No Cache Ajax plugin setup for my widget but after @asgaros fully ajaxifies the native widget you could directly call it via the plugin, no need for shortcode stuff or my widget.

    Thread Starter jgoldbloom


    @asgaros – not sure why this is marked as resolved as the post link via ajax is still broken in latest stable 1.4.5, so until then two important followups:

    • If you use the No Cache Ajax plugin and that function I added for shortcode support (see earlier code) then to test your native widget add this to the plugin widget in your theme widget setup:

      [cdsnWidget widget_name=”AsgarosForumRecentTopics_Widget” instance=”total=5″]

    • FYI: in my widget, and informally request you add to yours, I appended the date/replies info with the linked current forum name it was posted within, see screenshot below also noting I prefer “Reply” vs. “Answer” since that’s the button name/lingo used in your plugin.

    updated custom widget

    With respect, I acknowledge we all have different tastes cosmetically and some might like the shorter output without the forum name. If you opt to include, these things could be admin options. Thanks and let me know when post link via ajax is addressed so I might retire my widget.

    Cheers. ??

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by jgoldbloom. Reason: added screenshot update
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by jgoldbloom. Reason: fix typo
    Plugin Author Asgaros


    Thanks for all your feedback and suggestions. I checked the code and saw, that some of my necessary code seems not get initialized inside ajax-calls. I am not sure if I need to use different WordPress core-hooks for all my initialization-stuff. I will check this when I have a little bit more free time.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Asgaros.
    Thread Starter jgoldbloom


    Yep, when quickly debugging the issue prior to making my widget I came to the same general conclusion about scoping/init issues of your parent class members, as a test I globally called the class object (global $asgaros;) just prior to the post link line in the widget code but no success and did not delve further. I’m sure in time you’ll find a solution, recall it only affects the post link in the final rendering, rest worked great, focus/debug there I suppose. Many cheers to you for this.


    Plugin Author Asgaros


    Hello again, @jgoldbloom

    I had a look into it again and it seems that the “wp”-action is not triggered when doing ajax-requests on WordPress. I dont know if this is a bug or not.

    The problem is, that I generate the URLs inside this action because the query-vars are already defined/known by WordPress at this point of time – and I need to know them. And thats why I cannot use the “init”-action for this. I am not sure how to handle this now because basically its working when you are using WordPress widgets as “intended” by core. Of course I could find a possible workaround for this, but this would be a third-party-compatibility-patch. And it brings me into a situation were I have to take care of other compatibility issues with other third-party plugins as well.

    May I ask why you want to use Ajax calls for the widget output?

    Thread Starter jgoldbloom


    (apologies in advance to any others following, this is now deeper dive tech talk between two developers, bear with us)


    First important point – the power of a full cache enabled site, especially home page and sidebar widgets, is crucial to performance and bandwidth. I use Comet Cache Pro which is amazing and full cacheing enabled, but key for me and many folks like me is the want both real time updates of certain content like the recent posts/topics widgets AND a super fast parent page holding that widget. To be specific, full cache with ajax in the sidebar for my home page, and it works spectacularly with my version of your widget.

    Which now brings me to point #2 – Most cache plugins do NOT support url’s with query strings, i.e. ?foo=x&foo2=y. Coming from the Drupal world and with copious experience with respect to this issue and web apps, using friendly url’s i.e. /foo/x/foo2y, is crucial as as standard for all developers for 3 hugely important reasons: security i.e. XSS/sql injection, SEO, and human friendly semantics. Now I certainly don’t expect you to address this due now due to this issue, I know it’s on your long term radar, and would be a massive effort for many reasons. But, it plays a role here. My now formal request is to address this concern sklowly and properly, but start rolling on this because of BOTH points I noted these last two paragraphs for the long term resolution.

    Okay, with all that being said, the reality is an interim and viable solution with far less effort is where we are on the post link/query string issue. I am going to assist a bit by exploring WP core and ajax issues with plugin classes and query data, and look deeper into your code to try to find an easy fix if possible on my local sandbox. I’ll be responding here as time permits.

    All I ask at this point is suggest two heads are better than one, please continue in your role, let’s see how it goes, knowing as time permits for your heavy workload. Before I post here again with followup, I hope you view my two points as being far more important from a high level view than just a widget fix, correcting this through any means will be a huge addition to your features list to grow Asgaros.

    Thanks for reading, comments appreciated, let’s keep in touch on this, here.


    Thread Starter jgoldbloom


    Quick page I’d like you to see regarding a workaround on a WP ajax call and query string that ensures no page refresh with proper response:


    …and WP core has wp_localize_script() related to this, likely, and in the description of the doc page linked below it explains why:


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by jgoldbloom. Reason: added second link
    Plugin Author Asgaros


    Yes, I planned to include SEO friendly URLs for a long time. There is one big issue which prevents me from doing it at the moment:

    A lot of people are using the forum at the front-page of their website. And registered rewrite-rules/tags gets also registered as query-vars. But you can not use query-vars at a static WordPress frontpage because WordPress basically says: “A STATIC front-page can not have DYNAMIC content”.

    Which means: Opening a topic with a URL like this (mywebsite.com/topic/123) shows me the normal front-page (forum-overview) instead of the topic. And I dont want to ship this functionality as long as I have not found a workaround for this.

    Some more about this problem:

    What it does: Adds the QV as a query var (again, this could be done by filtering query_vars but it might be nicer to add a function to the WP class that stores ‘extra’ QVs like above)

    And to be honest: I dont have much experience in that rewrite stuff. Thats why I am also very careful in implementing that stuff. The same for SEO-optimizations like canonicals: Basically for me its black magic. ??

    Thread Starter jgoldbloom


    Friendly url’s is long term change, but a couple quick comments in response:

    Home page dynamic full page content is resolved by iframe or ajax, or simply don’t cache but the latter is a terrible performance hit. That’s #1 reason using a dynamic plugin as a home page is ill-advised by anyone to do if home page performance matters. On small, lower traffic sites, cool. Not for me – but very technically possible.

    The WP doc stating “A STATIC front-page can not have DYNAMIC content” is intended to reflect what I noted above, but is a philosophy not suitable to modern rich web 2.0 and, my in my view, “should” not have dynamic content, showing the immaturity of WP in certain regards. But free CMS’s, that’s life!

    Interesting to note bbPress easily allows home page integration by combining short code in a page plus settings > READING > Front page displays -> “Forum”, but the performance limitations don’t go away of course.

    In my summary view, all plugin authors should be agnostic in home page/cache approaches with respect to that harsh WP doc you quoted – that’s a concern left to the admin, i.e. iframe/ajax/disable cache regardless of the url structure for the home page.

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