• Hi everyone, I am just new to wordpress and I haven’t experienced any problems so far. but just yesterday when I checked my blog stats it is zero, no popular post, referrers, top clicks and all. But when I opened my site I have like 3 or 4 users and when I checked my Wp User online, I have guests visiting my site, but how come my blog stats is still zero? can anyone help me out on this? By the way I tried to delete my wp blog stats plugin and re-uploaded it again but still it is the same. I hope someone can help me. Thank you. here’s my site by the way https://www.meiyah.info

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  • Hi…
    I have the same problem just like meiyah. Blog stats is still zero till now even I got some comments from visitors.
    Fyi, I’m using WP 2.7.1 and WP Black Ink Grunge 1.0 by WordPressThemed.
    I also have problem with CommentLuv. It wouldn’t appear below my comment box.

    I need someone can fix these problem. Thank you.


    Have you got your Akismet API key and have you activated it? This is required for the stats to work.

    What if you did. Since you’re using a theme, make sure the line
    <?php wp_footer(); ?>
    appears in your footer. You can find this php-file in wp-content/themes/(themename)/footer.php. Open that file and copy paste the above line in it if it isn’t already there.

    Thank you knalstaaf.

    I have proceed all the steps, including Akismet API key and also put the line <?php wp_footer(); ?> in my footer.php. but still didn’t worked.

    You must take look at the original footer.php in wp-black-ink-grunge theme which I use.

    I have no idea how to put the line <?php wp_footer(); ?> in such a footer like that.

    Right now, for temporary solution I have to change the footer.php with the footer.php from default theme. And yes of course, it made the bottom part of the theme is not the same as the original. But it works.

    I hope you can help me…

    Again…, thank you…

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