• Hi all!

    I am interested in designing a WP-blog like the one seen at smellslikemusic.net. I can’t seem to figure out how the designer managed to display the site’s separate categories on the main page. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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  • [moved to the How-To section…]

    Did you try a search for part of your title: “magazine theme”?

    Thread Starter CrimsonLB42


    I did. I’m just not sure of the exact terminology that will achieve the functions I’m looking for.

    I’ve found WP tutorials explaining “Custom Select Query” (https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Displaying_Posts_Using_a_Custom_Select_Query) and “Asides” (https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Adding_Asides).

    Will either of these achieve what I’m looking to do?

    It seems we are having difficulties here in understanding each other. The search, if you did it properly would have given to you links to ready made magazine themes that do exactly what you want… out of the box, without your intervention.


    Thread Starter CrimsonLB42


    This was very helpful. Thank you. I’ve downloaded and installed the theme Mimbo. I’m going to take a look at the PHP files and the loop, and try to learn by dissecting.

    Thanks again.

    How to Build Magazines Website by WordPress

    I have spent about a week to build up my new magazine website, from nothing to nothing to abundance. I take it as my child and believe it will grow up in the future, become more and more popular. Here I spend some time to write what I’ve done and what I thought, to those people who want to build up his/her magazine websites. Hope these text and pictures may help them in the future.https://www.funny-magazines.com

    1. Topic and Content
    2. Domain name and website space.
    3. Theme select & configure
    4. Adv setting
    5. Promotion

    Permalinks of full article: https://www.funny-magazines.com/how-to-build-magazines-website-by-wordpress/

    Here is the code I used for my magazine theme:

    <?php $recent = new WP_Query("cat=".get_cat_id('Name Of Category')."&showposts=5");
    while($recent->have_posts()) : $recent->the_post();?>
    	<h2><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
    	<small>Posted by <?php the_author_posts_link(); ?> on <?php the_time('M jS, Y'); ?> | <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>#comments"><?php comments_number('0', '1', '%'); ?> Comments</a></small>
    	<?php the_excerpt('Read More-->'); ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>

    Be careful to always use the $variable = new WP_Query(); while($variable->have_posts()) : $variable->the_post(); when possible, especially when there are multiple loops, just use a different variable name.

    Good luck!

    I also have problems display news on the home page. all the news in the categories are well displayed. Please advise.
    Using theme – magazine-basic, auto feed – feedwordpress, site is singaporebiz-news.com

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