Hi @dalecameronlowry,
Worked fine for a week or two, after which everyone who tried to comment on Chrome or Firefox got this message: ERROR: JavaScript and Cookies are required in order to post a comment. Please be sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled in your browser. Then, please hit the back button on your browser, and try posting your comment again. (You may need to reload the page.)
Took me half a day to work this out and pinpoint the cause as this plugin, Will never use Spamshield again.
This post really should be a support request, not a review.
I am genuinely sorry to hear that you had an issue.
However, I have to ask, why would you post a negative review without even submitting a support request first?
WP-SpamShield simply does not break the WordPress comments. Over 10 years of compatibility testing has gone into this plugin. If you are having an issue, then there is most likely something else causing the issue, either in your browser (such as extensions that disable JavaScript or cookies) or in your site. It’s most likely not an issue with the plugin.
It is important for all plugin users to read the documentation. Please take a few minutes to work through the Troubleshooting Guide and FAQs, as these solve over 90% of issues users have. (Please be sure to follow all the steps, not just read through them.)
Please take special note of FAQ 9, as it specifically addresses your issue:
“Q: I think a legitimate user or comment may have been blocked. What’s going on here and what do I do?” Read the full FAQ: https://www.redsandmarketing.com/plugins/wp-spamshield/faqs/#faqs_9
For the rest of the FAQ, please click here to read it.
From the Troubleshooting Guide:
If this message comes up consistently even after JavaScript and cookies are enabled, then there most likely is an installation problem, site configuration issue, plugin conflict, or JavaScript conflict.
For the rest of the Troubleshooting Guide, please click here to read it.
If the information provided doesn’t solve the issue for you, we can help you fix the issue on your site. We’ll need a bit more info from you on the specifics, and will need to email back and forth, so please head over to the WP-SpamShield Support Form, and take a moment to fill out a support request. That will allow us to help you diagnose this, find out what the real issue is, and get things working right for you.
Please ask yourself this: When developers spend so much time developing free plugins for the WordPress community, is it really ok to post a 1-star review without making any reasonable effort to receive support? That’s simply not the right way to handle things.
If you have an issue with something, submit a support request first, and give the author time to respond. We provide free support for our plugins…all you have to do is submit a support request at the WP-SpamShield Support Page. We provide some of the best support out there.
You might want to take a moment to check out these two posts:
I would ask that you reconsider your rating, as it simply isn’t accurate or fair. Reviews like this simply do not help the global WordPress community.
— Scott