I had the same problem, but managed to quickly fix it.
I’m using variable products, but all of them have the same SKU as parent. But even then all of the variations have different IDs, because you might want to track each variable product individually.
So, in my situation that was not the case, because I’m selling the same garment and the only difference is size, about which I don’t care, because I only want to track the sales of the garment and not its variations.
So, I had 2 options here:
1. Edit my FB product catalog, so that it would have all of the IDs of all the variations.
2. Alter the code of this plugin, so it would show only the ID of parent product.
It was obvious that option 1 was useless, so I changed the code a bit.
You need to open the file named “class-aepc-woocommerce-addon-support.php” which is located in \includes\supports\ and change 2 lines:
$params = array(
‘content_type’ => ‘product_group’,
‘content_ids’ => $children_id,
$params = array(
‘content_type’ => ‘product’,
‘content_ids’ => $product_id,
This will track only the parent product and won’t pay attention to any of its variations.
@antoscarface Maybe it could be possible to add some sort of option, which would allow user to choose, how he wants to track his variable products, no?