• The installation notes for wordtube indicate its possible to modify the playlist order of videos.

    How do i do this?

    At the manage/wordtube/edit media file screen from within 2.6 i cannot see a field to allow me to edit the order of the playlist, even though in the playlist summary screen there is an order field listed.

    How can i modify the order of the films uploaded to my playlist??

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  • Thread Starter paulos72


    i note that its possible to either set the order by ascending media id or descencding media id, however i need to set the order of the playlist diffrently to the order they were uploaded so this option is still insufficient.

    anyone achieved it with wordtube playlist orders?



    I concur. When I pull up the specific playlist I want to address, I see the last column says “order” but next to each item it is listed as “0”. Where do we go to change the order of each individual media file in a particular playlist (aside from ‘ascending & decending’)?


    Just checking in, any update on this? Here is an example of what I would like to do.

    In the picture below, I would like to change the order of that playlist, and not just limited to the traditional ‘ascending/decending’ option.
    <IMG SRC=”https://firefoxnewsonline.net/images/wordtube01.jpg&#8221; ALT=”WordTube Pic Of Playlist Order”>

    Any assistance on this would be greatly appreciated.

    I need to do this also. Anyone?

    I’m also in need of this “ordering” functionality.

    according to the plug-in page:

    Playlist order: to gain control over playlist order, go to admin panel -> Manage -> Media Center. Select the playlist you want to order in the dropdown menu of the filter part of the screen. Click on order field for each media to choose order, enter to save.

    however, there editable field that I can find. is this a WP 2.8 issue? or are all of us missing something?

    otherwise a great plugin.

    You can’t order the playlist with wordtube, just in ascendant or descendant way.

    The description refers to this type of sorting.

    If you want them in a specific order, you have to think good from beginning.

    It might be a method but for that you have to hack into the pplugin’s code and any update would rewrite your changes.

    Hopefully it will offer this function in future.

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