• Resolved TsiartasM



    Thank you for solving the previous problem so fast on my previous post.

    I really dig your plugin!

    Another thing that should be there would be if the Coupon Should be displayed on the checkout page. If this is hard to do, what about make it display on checkout page by default?

    This would be great for users that are not very familiar with Online Shopping. Some people just forget that they have the code, so having it displayed on the checkout would be great.

    Another thing is if we can format the coupon code somehow. For example instead of just PREFIXxxxxxxxxxxxxSUFFIX, it would be better if it was like PREFIX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-SUFFIX.

    Those would be great additions.

    Willing to donate for these changes ??

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  • Plugin Author moreaddons


    Hi @tsiartasm,

    Thanks for contacting support.
    We will consider this in desired feature list. Let we discuss this feasibility with our development team and get back to you asap.

    Thread Starter TsiartasM


    Another Feature that would be great, is if you could forward the same email that the client gets, to the shop manager/admin email.

    Thread Starter TsiartasM


    9-12 digits max would be a great length for the code created. Now it’s too much. As for us, we also print the Discount Code on a label and stick it on a voucher that goes to the client along with the order. A Discount Code longer than 12 Digits is too much.

    Plugin Author moreaddons


    Hi @tsiartasm,

    Thanks for contacting support and your suggestion.
    We will forward your suggestion to our Development team and get back asap.

    Thread Starter TsiartasM


    Can you please make a quick change? Some of our Customer Billing First Name are very Long and sometimes are in foreign languages such as chinese or greek. We would like to have the option for the Discount Coupon created not to contain the User Billing First Name. We would like to use this with the order number combination. So it becomes PREFIX-order_number(as it is now)-SUFFIX

    What part of code should we delete in order to achieve that ?

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author moreaddons


    Hi @tsiartasm

    Thanks again for contacting the support.
    We will implement this by end of the day.
    Hold on for the update in the dashboard.

    Plugin Author moreaddons


    Hi @tsiartasm,

    We have updated the plugin with prefix and suffix as per the requirement.
    Kindly update the plugin in your dashboard.
    Let me know if you satisfied with last update.

    Thread Starter TsiartasM


    Hello @moreaddons ,

    Sorry for not replying immediately. Thanks for the change! It is much better now!

    Maybe in the next release, you could make prefix and suffix not optional. As in all woocommerce standards! I am using them but some people may not need them! Also another great addition would be if you could also send the Discount Coupon email to the shop manager also.

    I love your plugin since this is something I was looking for for a while! I got many ideas about how to make it better ! Already gave you some on the posts above, but I got more!

    Plugin Author moreaddons


    Hi @tsiartasm,

    We would like to inform you that we are going to launch premium version with Customisable templates for email, email forwarding, checkout item(product and Categories) based coupons, checkout price based coupons and much more feature will arrive soon.

    If you can possible to give review for our plugin and support that would be much encourage for us to develop more.

    Thread Starter TsiartasM


    Thanks for letting me know guys !

    Already reviewed! Keep it up!

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