• I’d really like to be able to moderate PAGE submissions from a user. Currently I believe only POSTS can be submitted for review (moderated). I have searched for a plugin that might do the job but failed thus far. This would really raise the profile of WordPress and make it more of a CMS. Is anyone developing this or is this feature offered as a plugin?

    Many Thanks

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  • I’d also like this but with the addition of moderated page changes ie. when a page is modified the original stays live until the new version is approved.


    Yes, I want this feature.

    Any news on this feature. Plugin, perhaps?

    I will write this plugin if someone could give me a few clues about where to start.



    I’m looking for this as well. No luck so far ??


    There has to be SOMEONE who can produce this :'(


    For basic moderation of page submissions, you just need to create a custom role which includes the edit_pages capability, but not publish_pages, edit_published_pages, or edit_others_pages. This involves a simple one-time modification to the role definitions stored in your WP database, and can be performed by the Role Manager or Capability Manager plugins.

    The easiest change is just to add the edit_pages capability to your Contributor role.


    The Role Scoper plugin can enable the moderation of page/post changes, with some limitations.

    After installing Role Scoper, go to Roles > Options and enable the “Pending Revisions” option. Contributors will now see their own published posts/pages and can edit them. However, upon saving they are notified that the changes have been saved for editorial review.

    Administrators see the change as a “Pending Review” post/page, alongside new submissions. However, upon clicking to edit it, they are taken to the Revisions Editor, where they can “restore” the revision.

    This functionality would also allow a user to submit changes to others’ pages/posts, if their own role includes edit_pages and edit_others_pages, but not publish_pages or edit_published_pages.

    The limitations are:

    1. only Administrators can moderate the Pending Revisions
    2. there is no prominent indication when new Pending Revisions are saved – only a bump in the Pending count
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