Hi guys,
Same problem here, I have quick fixed by edit a bit the code (because the site is crashed).
This is the original code:
if ( !get_option( "wr2x_hide_retina_column" ) )
require( 'media-library.php' );
new Meow_WR2X_MediaLibrary( $this );
I replaced with
if ( !get_option( "wr2x_hide_retina_column" ) ) {
require( 'media-library.php' );
new Meow_WR2X_MediaLibrary( $this );
File: plugins/wp-retina-2×1/core.php.
It worked but I hope the plugin author find the real problem (I’m maintainance a quite big site). Thanks
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by