Thank you for responding to my inquiry.
While searching for this topic, I didn’t come across the link you shared. Because of this, thank you for sharing it with me.
I do have additional questions.
1. Because the only social media platforms offered via the link are Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest, how would I add other social media platforms or perhaps an email share button?
Since I’ve already created a child team some time ago, I’m ready to add whatever CSS code or PHP functions you’ll mention.
In addition, the issue I encounter is that many of the tutorials don’t explain specifically where to add the new PHP functions/CSS code. They simply say, “Paste this inside the style.css/add this inside the single.php.”
Instead, it would be far more helpful to say, “While you’re inside the Style.css/PHP function, paste the code/functions right below (insert answer) or right above (insert answer).”
2. So, where exactly do I place the new codes once I’m inside the PHP or Style.css in the editor of WordPress?
Also, I don’t want the social share buttons to occur on all pages. Instead, I only want them to appear after a blog post. The link you shared for line 31 says, “// Add sharing button at the end of page/page content.” Furthermore, line 41 also says, “// If not a post/page then don’t include sharing button.”
This tells me that the PHP function is for all pages, and not just after or before blog posts.
3. So, how do I make sure that the social share buttons are only in blog posts?
4. Can I have a counter showing the number of times, which the post is shared via each social share button?