• I was able to create players’ list yesterday but today, after adding a new csv file of players, I can no longer create any players lists.

    Keep getting this error:

    This site can’t be reached

    The connection was reset.
    Checking the connection
    Checking the proxy and the firewall
    Running Windows Network Diagnostics

    Is there another way to create players’ list?


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  • Thread Starter soojh007


    I realised that when my total number of players is above 346, the situation occurs. Is there a limit to the number of players in the free Rookie version?

    Anyone with same situation?



    Thanks for reaching out!

    We don’t have any limits in our code, but maybe your server is not able to handle this amount of data.

    Do you have a local install? Maybe you could try increasing the number there just so you can see how it works (and in a local server we have full control over the resources).

    Also, do you have access to your server error logs? Maybe they can give us a clue if this is a memory issue, a max execution time issue, and so on.


    Kind Regards,

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