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  • Plugin Author deadmustdie


    You can try this plugin, but I think plugin can cause some problem with JavaScript in other plugins.
    All that you need is set correct selectors in plugin settings.
    Thanks, DMD

    Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    thanks for your reply ??
    I’d like test your plugin in my page, but I need your help for configure your plugin.
    I know I should open console, but I am not confortable with CSS… (I am without informatic knowledge…)
    Can you so kindly to help me to setting your plugin?

    I thanks you in advance… ??

    I’d like run INFINITE SCROLL in the following page:

    I do not understand very well what introduce in following fields:

    Posts selector
    Post selector
    Pagination selector
    Next page selector
    Previous page selector
    Pagination pages selector
    Selectors to replace

    Thanks you for your support

    Plugin Author deadmustdie



    I am on vacation now and cann’t help you.
    Can you wait 5-7 days? Because I doesn’t have access to any computer)

    Regards, DMD

    Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    Hi DMD,
    off course there is no problem in to wait you. You are in holiday and you only need to rest and enjoy ??
    I get this oportunity, for to ask you some things I have no clear about infinite scroll. I will numerate them. You can reply me without hurry.

    1. If I set your plugin for GeoDirectory Custom Post Type like this page:
    Can I have also infinite scrol for BLOG without customization?
    My question is due the following obsevation: Posts selector, Post selector, Pagination selector, and so on, are differents in BLOG and in GeoDirectory CPT.
    I think INFINITE SCROLL only can run in 1 type of page (for example in GeoDIrectory pages), and not in differents type of page… It is so?

    2. You said me
    I think plugin can cause some problem with JavaScript in other plugins.
    Why you said that? Have you seen something special feature in my web that can generate conflict? Can you provide me a little more of details?

    3. If your plugin at this time is not compatible with GeoDirectory, are you interested in to make an INFINITE SCROLL ADDON for GeoDIrectory, and sell it like a therd party plugin ?

    4. Other developer interested in to make an infinite scroll for geodirecotry said me the follow:
    GeoDirectory tables are desordered. This is too work to make compatible INFINITE SCROLL WITH GeoDirectory...
    Do Also you, with your plugin, need to study Geodirectory table? Or aproch with your plugin is different?

    I suggest come back to read my first post, where I explain you what I need. So you can provide me a perfect reply to my question.

    Off course, in addition to my 4 questión, I hope you can provide me correct TEXT for Posts selector, Post selector, Pagination selector, and so on.

    If you want, I also can provide you an user administrato, so you can investigate GeoDirectory.

    I hope your reply.
    I thanks you in advance for to spend your time with me.
    1000 thanks for you.
    Hve a good holiday ??

    Plugin Author deadmustdie


    Hi @giuseppecuttone,

    Sorry for waiting.
    First of all answer for your question.

    1. Yes, plugin has multiple set of options and you can setup it for different pages.

    2. I think GeoDirectory on your page uses JavaScript to display maps for GeoDirectory custom post and this can doesn’t work for posts loaded with Infinite Scroll plugin.

    3. Plugin will be worked for GeoDirectory, but I think that some JavaScript code must be added to the after update field.

    4. If GeoDirectory plugin connect events to document object and after it uses selector to sort events from needed block, then all will be work without any additional modifications.
    I can check it, but I cannot get access to your site.
    All that can be needed is a part of JavaScript code from GeoDirectory plugin.

    Regards, DMD

    Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    Hi DMD,
    Of course holidays are more important than infinite scroll… ??
    So, delay is not a problem. I only can say you “1000 thank you for your interest”.
    Last week I changed domain and I forgotten alert you… Sorry…
    New domain is:
    Do you need user admin and password for to have a look into Geodirectory?
    If you need them, please send me a mail to [email protected]
    And also alert me in this thread.
    I hope your reply.
    Thanks very very much for your kindness.

    Plugin Author deadmustdie


    Hi @giuseppecuttone,

    Please provide access to your site admin panel with access to infinite scroll plugin settings.
    I was contact you via email [email protected]

    Regards, DMD

    Plugin Author deadmustdie


    Hi @giuseppecuttone,

    Selectors now is correct, but I need some more time to setup correct JavaScript, because Google Maps uses only locations from first page.

    Regards, DMD

    Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    Hi @deadmustdie
    first, thanks for set selectors ??
    Yes, I sopuse the problem will be about the map…
    Please, feel free to investigate and resolve that when you find a retails of times.
    If you make an infinite scroll compatible with geodirectory, maybe you will be able to offer it to others geodirectory users.
    We continue in contact in the next days.
    Thanks for your disponibility. ??

    Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    Hi DMD,
    I thought maybe Geodirectory Support can help you to find correct javascript for show map…
    Maybe they can suggest you in what file and line do a research…
    I do jnot know… it is only a sugestion for help you and make your plugin compatible without lost a lot of time.
    Please, let me know if you want send a question to the people of Geodirectory.
    You can write here your question and I can resend it to them.

    Thanks for your work. ??

    Plugin Author deadmustdie


    Hi @giuseppecuttone,

    You can find topic with it there

    Regards, DMD

    Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    Hi DMD,
    it is beautifull to have notice of you about this thread ??
    Unfortunatelly I am not informatic, and what stiofan says, from geodirectory support, it sounds to me like a chinese… ??
    Maybe it is very simple to do that… or may it is no so simple…
    Please, let me know if it is a simple snippet to add or if it is a more important change.
    And let me also know if you want make the change proposed by geodirectory directly to your plugin (updating it), or if you can do change only to my web (because for example you are not interested in update your plugin).
    I do not know… Only you can know how you can continue that… ??
    I hope your reply.
    Thanks very very very much for to be so kind.

    Plugin Author deadmustdie


    Hi @giuseppecuttone,

    And now maps load new locations, but this works not fully correct and I will change some code to do it more universal.
    Also some script I think doesn’t work correct for new posts.

    Regards, DMD

    Plugin Author deadmustdie



    And please do not update plugin, because plugin on your site has some changes.
    This changes will be added in next version.

    Regards, DMD

    Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    Hi DMD,
    thanks a lot and tanks very very very for make compatible your plugin with GeoDirectoy ??

    Ok, I will not update your plugin. If I see an update on wordpress repository I will contact with you in order to understand if I need update or no.

    I see all correct except two things that I need resolve with geodirectory support.
    1. PINPOINT button (if do click to it,listing on the map will be marked). Some times it runs, and some times it do not runs…
    2. MARK CLUSTER (it creates a group of listing with only 1 icon). If I click to PINPOINT button, cluster is not opened…

    When you say:
    this works not fully correct
    some script I think doesn’t work correct for new posts
    What do you refer to?
    Please, give me more details.

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