Can’t make upload path work :(
I’ve got a problem with the upload path of the plugin. I want the uploaded files to go to a folder named manuscrits in the uploads folder but i’ve tried a lot of configuration and the files always go to the folder uploads (in the current month sub folder).
t first i though the plugin perhaps didn’t have the rights to write in the uploads folder so i made the manuscrits folder via ftp but the files keep going in the uploads folder. Can you help ?
This is the shortcode i’m using :
[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”wp-content/uploads/manuscrits” fitmode=”responsive” uploadpatterns=”*.pdf, *.doc, *.docx” maxsize=”20″ showtargetfolder=”true” subfoldertree=”{root}/{upload folder}” duplicatespolicy=”maintain both” uniquepattern=”datetimestamp” adminmessages=”true” debugmode=”true” placements=”userdata+userdata/filename/selectbutton/uploadbutton/progressbar/message” uploadtitle=”Envoyez-nous votre manuscrit” selectbutton=”Sélectionner un fichier” uploadbutton=”Envoyer votre fichier” successmessage=”Le fichier %filename% a bien été envoyé” warningmessage=”Le fichier %filename% a bien été envoyé, mais avec des avertissements” errormessage=”Le fichier %filename% n’a pas été envoyé” waitmessage=”Le fichier %filename% est en cours d’envoi” requiredlabel=”*” widths=”filename:400px, userdata:200px, userdata_label:200px” userdata=”true” userdatalabel=”Prénom|t:text|s:top|r:1|a:0|p:right|d:/Nom|t:text|s:top|r:1|a:0|p:right|d:/Email|t:email|s:top|r:1|a:0|v:1|p:right|d:|g:0″ userdatalabel2=”Parlez-nous de vous|t:multitext|s:top|r:1|p:right” medialink=”true” postlink=”true”]
Thank you
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