remove button label
Thank u nice plugin.
1. columns not working a couple of last versions
alternative solution in child functions.php u addadd_filter( ‘storefront_loop_columns’, ‘smsexshop_pocet_sloupcu’ );
function smsexshop_pocet_sloupcu() {
return 4;}2. Can u do an option with no button description.
like for option 20 40 100. It displays just the number in basic and dropdown poition
– less space needed and functional for all languagesmanually – in plugin editor class-wppp-front-end.php u remove “products per page” from this code section:
?><option value=”<?php echo esc_attr( $value ); ?>” <?php selected( $value, $this->loop_shop_per_page() ); ?>><?php
$ppp_text = apply_filters( ‘wppp_ppp_text’, __( ‘%s products per page’, ‘woocommerce-products-per-page’ ), $value );
esc_html( printf( $ppp_text, $value == -1 ? __( ‘All’, ‘woocommerce-products-per-page’ ) : $value ) ); // Set to ‘All’ when value is -1
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