• Hi
    I created a WordPress account a couple of days ago and installed the plug-in on my domain. It was since Day 2, that my images appear broken under the Media Library on my Dashboard. When I’m uploading pictures from my laptop, they seem to upload and works fine. But, when I’m trying to change the background image from any theme, I find broken image thumbnails. But, when I click on the edit option, I can view the image there.

    In short, the image appears broken on the thumbnail and when I select edit image, I can see the complete image.
    I tried searching for solutions online. Many say that there should be some change done in the wp-content file, but I’m not sure where it is located. Can you please help me out resolving the broken images issue at the earliest? It would be of great of help as my work is getting delayed.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • What plugin did you install on your domain? Can you try disabling the plugin, then uploading a picture and see if the problem persists?

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